face to face with the kidnapper...

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35 Green-stride Avenue

St. Pickets Street

After minutes of running, she frantically kicked open the white gate and began banging and screaming at the red door reading 35 green-stride avenue. Dee could vaguely remember herself and her Grandad, lay across the long grass, staring wildly into the pitch black sky bursting with stars. But after coming back to reality, she began banging on the door once more, still receiving no response. After trying one last time, she turned the handle on the large red door, to find Mi and Sasha tied up, lay on the ground. They both shook their head as Dee entered and tried to untie the strong rope around Mi's frostbitten hands, but as she finally got the first rope loose, a slender, black shadow, which reflected on the wall, crept up behind her, before she took a strong blow to the head, which left her unconscious.

She awoke to a blinding light beaming directly into her eyes, but as she tried to struggle free, she found she was tied up. With no other choice, she sat dumbfounded in the chair, awaiting her fate. After just minutes of waiting, which felt like hours, she felt something digging into her lower back. Still tied in rope, she reached for her back pocket and felt a stinging sensation arise in her hand as blood trickled down her rough palm. She tried to grab the steel object from her pocket, suddenly remembering the steak knife she had brought, in case she happened to be in a situation like this. She sliced away at the rope until she heard a click at the door, following its opening. She stuffed the knife into her pocket, to see three men who looked identical enter the room, along with a hooded figure. After rubbing and poking her eyes, to make sure she wasn't dreaming, she noticed all the men looked identical to her husband but dressed differently. The hooded figure remained anonymous and crept further into the darkness and out of sight, letting out a deep, evil laugh. "Meet the egos," He chuckled menacingly.

"OK begin by telling me how it started," Dee spat, a hint of sassiness lingering in her voice. The hooded man sighed, still keeping in the shadowed part of the room, "It all started when Thomas proposed to you," he coughed to clear his throat carrying on in his deep, threatening tone of voice "Thomas had many voices in his head, however only three strong enough to drive him mad," still not understanding what he meant, Dee huffed in anger and anticipation whilst the first identical man snorted at Dee's pathetic attempt of showing disappointment. "Still curious are we? Did you know curiosity killed the cat?" The man in the black suit laughed, "Anyway... after your wedding, the voices were getting full control over Thomas' body, not even allowing him to think, he was driven by these mad ludicrous voices until they got too strong," "WHAT THE HELL, HOW?" Dee roared making the group cover their ears. "Eventually, after weeks of these voices possessing his body they broke free, and turned into identical copies of Thomas, taking on there own body and outfit depending on what voice they were," Dee obviously didn't believe him until the three of them stepped into the light, each of them looking like Thomas but wearing different outfits with distinct hair colours. "Let's meet them shall we?" the hooded figure continued saying:

He waggled his finger to the man with a pink moustache, hair, braces, and pink dungarees. "You must love pink," Dee said into her neck muffling the snigger that she added afterwards, to her, a version of her husband in all pink was hilarious.

"This is the crazy voice of Thomas, he loves playing with knives, guns, and has murdered numerous people for silly things like taking the last KitKat," The crazy man in pink walked behind Dee and leaned on her chair twirling her hair with his knife whilst another version of Thomas stepped into the light.

A man with dark black hair that was pulled up into a quiff paced in front of Dee's chair, his quiff holding a tint of red. He wore a black suit and had cold grey skin, even looking at him sent shivers down Dee's spine, she never thought a version of her husband could be so sinister. "This is the voice of Romance and anger," The hooded figure explained to Dee before pulling the last man into the light. The last voice was all blue, he had blue clothing, hair, and even skin. "This is the voice that controlled Thomas' sadness and sorrow," He said as the man in blue began to cry. "So," Dee said "Thomas' voices overpowered him, and took on bodies of there own, but look identical to Thomas, apart from there appearance quirks that accords to there voice,?" The hooded figure nodded, "Yes, correct, but there is more..." he let out a deep sigh, "Everyone sit, this may take a while, so, as all of Thomas' emotions and voices left he became emotionless, he cannot feel emotions as they have literally taken on bodies and minds of there own, R and A, (Romance and anger,) cannot feel happiness because that's with crazy pink over there, they can only feel emotions that their voice was given! and with all of Thomas' voices and emotions gone he cannot feel emotions, he's like a robot!" The mysterious man was getting agitated but had no emotion in his voice "This runs in the family, the reason you saw a baby in the mirror was because that was your baby's evil alter-ego, she has 2 more, we can hear them, if she gets mad her angry alter-ego will take over, and this will happen with happiness, romance, sadness, fear, craziness, and so many more! Her body will not split into different beings with set emotions but she will turn into her alter-ego if the level of that emotion gets too strong, for example, if she gets too angry, she will transform into dark clothes and have red hair, similar to Thomas' angry ego here," he says patting the suited ego on the back."Once she is born these egos will disappear and Thomas will be back to normal but will pass the curse to your soon to be baby girl, Amy, I assume, and after the age of 18, whoever is her first love will free her from the curse and take it over, and will pass it onto there children," Dee takes all the information in before finally shutting her jaw which was open from shock, "How come I didn't get it if I was Thomas' first love?" The hooded figure still pacing the floor replied "Somehow the system skipped you, and you should be thankful, it would have been passed onto your child either way," Dee fell to the floor in pain and shock, her baby was on the way.

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