King Mark the great, and Queen Amy the precious

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King Mark the great, and Queen Amy the precious

With King Ethan on the verge of death, and Queen Mika currently being dealt with by the rightful owner of the throne, King Tyler Schied the great, Mark decided to reveal the tragic news. Anna's army had entered the palace and began fighting the knights, which was an easy win, due to having almost doubled their numbers, so Signe, Mark and Amy walked to their dreaded destination. The walk was complete silence except the birds chirping and the occasional howl of the wind. They traced their steps, following the uneven paths that once lead them to the castle, however this time it lead them to an enormous blossom tree, in the centre of a weeded field. The grass sparkled in the view of the scorching sun, droplets of water sliding down the salmon petals of the gentle pink tree towering over the trio. Underneath the tree, lay a hazel-haired boy, his stomach to the floor, his cold face stained with thick blood. Mark couldn't look; he turned away from the group and began pacing along the mossy ground as he cried, he hated showing pain. Signe, trembling, knelt beside the frigid boy, and attempted to roll him over, she pulled away at his icy touch, his body was like a glacier. Filled with curiosity, fright, and confusion, Amy assisted Signe in getting a view of the poor boys face. Signe immediately began crying uncontrollably, causing Mark to pull her away from the cold boy on the ground, but she wouldn't let go. Amy, back against the tree, sat bolt upright, and wide-eyed, fighting the tears that threatened to stream from her eyes. Mark finally managed to pull Signe away, taking her to a bench nearby the field, with Amy still fighting her emotions. Amy's pale skin faded and turned blue, along with her hair and clothes, -the doing of her sorrow ego. Lay across the mossy ground, was blood covered, stone cold, Jack. She didn't even notice Signe and Mark were gone until she saw a tall silhouette across the field, as it grew nearer, she noticed it was the King, King Tyler Schied. "Good afternoon your majesty," Amy sobbed. "I'm no longer the monarch of this freed land Amy, it needs to return to its rightful family," He replied. "I, therefore, award you the noblest honour of them all, along with your boyfriend Mark, to take the throne," He said in his clearest voice possible. Amy was swarmed with feelings, she couldn't handle this amount of emotion, especially in the form of her sorrow ego, so in return, she blacked out.

Amy awoke in a dimly lit room, lay in a four poster bed, with an elegant white frock hanging from the door beside her. She groggily dragged herself from underneath the warm silk sheets and entered what looked like the bathroom, to change into the beautiful gown. She tied her hair into a princess plait and powdered her cheeks, before glancing at the mirror and returning to the four-poster bed. She sat on the maroon sheets of the bed until a thumping knock sounded at her door, returning her from her thoughts. "Come in," Amy ordered politely. King Tyler entered the room and joined her on the squeaky bed. "I understand you are very confused but do you recall the conversation we had before you blacked out?" He asked. "Was that even real, am I dreaming, please tell me I'm back in Honolulu," Amy wept profusely. "Child, I am afraid not, however, you are about to become the ruler of this blessed land Tirachia, look outside," Tyler comforted, leading her to a balcony. As she looked out upon the civilians of Tirachia, they looked happy, smiling, colour bursting around the streets, children played, the palace was lively once more. Before returning to the room, she noticed the once dark palace, glistening brightly, gold in colour, leaving Amy filled with Awe. "You make them happy, they have also taken a liking to Mark," Tyler laughed, leading Amy from the room, down a set of spiral stairs, to the throne room, to find Mark being fanned with a giant leaf, whilst being fed grapes, by two overjoyed servants. "Mark, Tyler, are you sure I'm not dreaming? Where is Signe," Amy asked closing her eyes and seeing a lifeless Jack on the ground. "She never left him, she is still in the field, I'll send a few knights to get her, don't worry your highness," Tyler announced. Amy's white gown trailed the floor as she approached the throne, and gently sat one leg over the other, upon the golden, jewel-encrusted throne. Cheers erupted from outside the closed castle doors, "Open them," King Mark ordered, "ALL HAIL KING MARK THE GREAT, AND QUEEN AMY THE PRECIOUS!" The colossal group of citizens roared, bowing at the feet of Mark and Amy. Tyler ordered the people outside so Amy and Mark could give a speech from the balcony. "I, King Mark the great, and Queen Amy the precious, declare this palace, the blessed lands of Tirachia! No more will you live in fear, but you shall live in freedom, now that your previous, cruel monarchs, are defeated!" Mark declared, earning unearthly amounts of cheers from the crowd. "ALL HAIL KING MARK, AND QUEEN AMY!" They preached before Mark and Amy gave a polite wave and returned to their thrones, "Oh precious Queen Amy, would you care for a flight?" Mark asked laughing, "Of course King Mark the great," Amy mocked in a posh accent, taking his hand, both their wings emerging from their backs as they flew gracefully into the sapphire sky, of the blessed land, Tirachia. 

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