gruesome, rejoice, lethal...

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 "Your alive?!"

Sweating, Signe dragged herself up the hardwood stairs, with all the will power she had left, she was truly exhausted. She cautiously sounded a rhythm of knocks on the cracked door before throwing her arms around the recipient. Amy. Signe was elated, Amy, herself and Mark were finally together again, except Jack of course, but moments like this were not to be mourned over. "AMY, YOUR OK!" Signe screamed into Amy's shoulder, muffled but still audible. "Signe, I'm so sorry, I should never have left, I thought I could push through this alone," Amy wept. "No, don't be sorry, I'm sure you took time away to create a plan, am I right?" Signe asked awkwardly, mentally praying Amy had a plan. "Signe, sit down, this may- no, this will take a while," Amy sighed. "I'm assuming you want the whole 'fairytale' so here goes nothing..." Amy continued, "The minute I left I knew Mark would follow me, but when he was kidnapped and took to Tirachia I followed him and held a base in a blossom tree just outside the palace," She stopped for a breath. "After I learned Mark had become a first-class knight, I started finding people who were willing to join me,-in creating an army-, such as the miserable civilians of Tirachia," Amy rambled, grabbing Signe's wrist and dragging her to what looked like a basement just a few floors down. She fumbled with the padlock before earning a satisfying click and entering the dimly lit room, which was on the lowest level of the Inn. In the room, despite several melted candles, were at least 200 people wrapped in cloaks, the hoods covering their faces. Signe yelped in shock but stopped when Amy covered her mouth, "Signe, meet Anna's army," an anonymous voice said from the enormously packed crowd. Signe, who was staring at her feet, lifted her head to greet the pallid, fragile face, of her mother. "I am dreaming, WAKE ME UP, wake me up, am I in a coma?" Signe screeched frantically. The frail brunette woman placed a gentle hand on Signe's soft shoulder. "I know this is very hard to believe Signe, but, I'm your mother, A-A-Anna Hansen," She stuttered, embracing Signe's salty tears. "I cannot tell you any information until after the war Signe, I'm so so sorry, but we all have a castle to conquer," Anna said letting her hood fall as did the others. Anna's hair shifted like waves as she walked, as did Signe's, the two could easily be mistaken for sisters, but now was certainly not the time to be 'lovey-dovey', as Jack would call it. Signe told the others to stay put as herself and Amy went to find Mark, they couldn't win this without him- or even start it. The pair pelted along the uneven paths until they came to the colossal gates of the darkest palace on the planet, Tirachia. A loud voice outshone the masses of depressed crowds and echoed through their ears, "I have Mark, and your little friend Jack," King Ethan screamed proudly from his throne, alongside his injured, but glowing Queen. "Signe, go get the others, I have turned them into egos, do as I say, I'm going to be useful for once," Amy shouted over the top of the King's boasting voice, "SIGNE, GO, DO AS I SAY!" Amy screeched furiously causing Signe to tear up and run-off. Majestic white wings emerged from Amy's back ripping gaping holes into her shirt. Not fazed by it one bit, she took off into the air like a bullet and shot toward the palace.

Inside the palace was the royal throne room, as usual, filled with numerous knights and of course the two vicious monarchs. Only one, possibly two abnormal things were in the room: An unconscious Mark, and a severely blood-covered Jack. Without any objections, the King threw another satisfying punch to Jack's skull, earning a gruesome crack. He cried out in pain before using the last of his strength to teleport himself and Mark to a damp field, filled with long, Lincoln green, dew-filled grass. His gaze became dizzy before he fell into a void of painful silence, and could see no more. He lay in a pitch black room, hearing whispers from time to time, echoing through his sensitive ears. He awoke, -or what felt like he awoke- in a pool, surrounded by his giddy group of friends, Amy, Mark, and Signe. Signe began sinking to the pool floor, pulling at her water-filled chest, but Amy and Mark remained playful. Jack felt paralysed, no matter how much he tried to scream, shout, or move, he remained in his stiff, fixed position. After just seconds of torture, the horrifying scene before him began to fade, and he was returned to the depressing void of darkness. After laying in the pit of silence, for what felt like hours, a bright light appeared, and he slowly walked toward it, feeling himself become weightless, as he drifted into an eternal slumber.

Amy's patience was wearing severely thin, she needed to end this everlasting family feud once and for all. Her family, she recently learned, had also attended S.S.F.M.U.A. in their turn of the curse, but never would she have imagined her family, especially her mother, would leave her vulnerable, in times as dangerous as this. She allowed her angelic wings to fold in once more before she charged through the open doors, teeth gritting, and fists clenched, the room smoking with animosity. The King arose from his monstrous throne, and slowly walked toward Amy, however, she remained valiant, and glared at him fearlessly, her pupils dilated. "You are far from courageous, Amy Nelson, you are fake, heartless, you just as cold-blooded as me," The King smirked sickly. She swung a forceful uppercut toward his jaw, missing, and ending up on her backside. "You're simply, a wolf in sheep's clothing, you pretend to love that mistake Mark, but you, you are heartless," He spat, making her emerge from her trance, and land a strong punch to his teeth. "The tables have turned," Amy mocked, watching the Queen shaking on her throne. "And as for you," Amy shouted approaching the Queen, leaving the King rolling about the floor in pain. Smoke engulfed the room and soon disappeared revealing Amy laughing smugly in the King's throne. "Amy, if you want a fight, you best fight someone of you're own type!" Yelled a frantic but smug Felix, flying mid-air. "Bring it on you Swedish monster!" Amy yelled, still in anger form, charging at Felix. He grabbed her arm and twisted it backwards leaving her on the ground, her bloody face to the floor. She easily had a broken nose, and her lips were pouring with blood, like a burst balloon. She weakly wiped the excess blood from her lips before head-locking Felix and flying high into the air. "We started this mess together, and we'll end it together," Amy cried plummeting toward the floor, head-first, a terrified Felix in her arms.

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