Sorrowful but reassuring events

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Not one, but two, sadistic monarchs

After just minutes of driving, the black carriage arrived at the palace gates, the white horses coming to a halt, silencing the already awkward scene before them. The large palace was painted all black, pitch black, citizens and locals looked no different, the whole place seemed to be dejected. The moment Signe stepped from the carriage she felt a pain in her chest, and a lump forming in her throat, seeing people as miserable as this made her tear up. Everyone walked around expressionless, heads down, and walked sluggishly slow, slow enough to be compared to a snail, as they often were. Signe almost immediately regretted looking through the metal gates that stood before her, although she would eventually have to confront the sorrowful folks that lived in this dark kingdom. "I shall forewarn you, do not speak unless you are spoken to, particularly if that person happens to be the Queen," The King said as the rusted metal gates swung open allowing them to enter the dark and despised lands of Tirachia. They pushed through hoards of miserable until they reached a set of enormous metal doors, which opened at the King's touch. Knights stood flawlessly in dozens of rows, bowing as the King walked pretentiously to his golden throne, inlined with all jewels imaginable, accompanying the Queen, leaving Signe awestruck at the doors. Queen Mika's white dress fluttered in the breeze of the open doors, which caused Signe to be even more resentful, this 'Queen' may look perfect, but she's quite the opposite. "Good afternoon Signe, you remind me so much of your mother," smiled the Queen insanely. "How dare you have the audacity to even speak her name, you cold-blooded murderer!" Signe shouted clenching her fists, her knuckles white with pressure. The guards aimed their spears toward Signe keeping a fair distance but she never winked an eye, she continuously stared at the Queen, shooting her a repugnant glare. If looks could kill, the Queen would be six feet under. Signe began to breathe heavily, her blood boiling, she was standing before a killer, the killer of her mother. "Why did you do it? Why did you kill her? Even I know that name calling is immature, but you, you deserve much more than that, you monster!" Signe shouted bitterly. Queen Mika arose, slowly strutting toward Signe, causing her to get angrier by the second, she couldn't control her anger. Mika grabbed her shoulder and dug her nails deep into Signe's shoulder, making her yelp. Satisfied, the Queen pushed Signe to the floor, a smile tugging at her lips. Signe wiped the blood from her lip and spat on the floor before returning to her feet and jabbing the Queen square in the jaw. Bewildered, the King ran to the Queen before instructing the knights, "Sieze her, sieze her you fools!" The King roared. Despite his orders, the knights remained still. After a few seconds, a knight with blood red hair emerged from the group, running toward Signe. Mark. A familiar black smoke filled the room, following Mark and King Ethan stood parallel in the centre of the throne room, each of them presenting their anger ego. Mark mouthed to Signe, "Run, go to The Blueberry Inn, trust me,", before The King threw an uppercut to Mark's armour, making his fist bleed. Signe ran for as long as she could, occasionally stopping for breath until she reached an old building, on the outskirts of Tirachia. It looked similar to an abandoned warehouse, besides the dim lights that could be seen through the windows. She brayed on the door until a frail, and rather displeased old woman answered. "I was sent here by Mark, Mark Edward," Signe breathed. "Ah yes, he said to be expecting someone, I believe there are another one of your friends awaiting your arrival, enjoy your stay, room 6, floor 2," The pallid woman smiled. Signe was extremely confused but was slightly excited to meet this mysterious friend.

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