The dark kingdom of Tirachi

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The death sentence

Miss Trelawney repeatedly banged on the door. "Sorry Miss, We'll be out in a moment," Jack said combing his messy bed hair. He called for Signe and soon after opened the door to a rather displeased Miss Trelawney. "Good morning Miss, what lesson will we be attending first?" Signe asked giving a sweet smile. "Apologies for the misunderstanding, Miss Hansen, you will be attending no classes, today, or ever again for that matter," Miss Trelawney coughed, a crooked smile curling up her wrinkled face. "But Miss, would you be ever so kind to explain this to me and my comrade here, as a top student, I am sure you are simply mistaken," Signe said confidently straightening her back. "You seem to have an attitude on you today Missy, I'm sure King Ethan and Queen Mika would have a lovely spot in the dungeons for your sassy self," Miss Trelawney laughed seeing the colour drain from Signe's face. "Pardon me, uh, Miss, but I'm unaware of where this place actually is," Jack stated emotionless. "This school is part of a dark kingdom named Tirachia, which is ruled by King Ethan and Queen Mika, many decades ago it was ruled by King Tyler Schied, he enforced peace and kindness onto all creatures, but he was quickly assassinated by Pamela Kjellberg, who is now very high in the royal hierarchy, they are in full control of dictatorship over the kingdom, and have the power to kill anyone at the click of a finger," Miss Trelawney said analysing the look on Jack's face. "Mr Mcgloughlin, if you are still unsatisfied, there are a few books in the library on the modern day and past history of Tirachia," Miss Trelawney added. Swiftly, Jack gently pushed passed Trelawney and followed the signs to the library, Signe strangely walking into the dorm without another word. He entered the large room labelled, 'knowledge is a lesson, each acquired from experience and sheer dedication' "Strange," Jack mumbled to himself. The huge room was filled with millions of books floating around in the air, no shelves or ladders, he approached a small desk in the corner of the room to see a small green haired woman. "Good afternoon Mr Mcgloughlin, Miss Trelawney told me of your interests," she said before letting green wings spring from her back. She flew into the air and grabbed a few books, no cover or letters, just plain leather covers. "There you are, now, you are warned, the acts of the current and previous monarchs aren't pretty, and neither are their abilities, they are brutal and bloodthirsty killers, and have walked these very halls," The green haired woman whispered making Jack shiver. With that in mind, he grabbed the books and headed back to his room, he'd completely forgot about Signe, so he decided to take off at a run. "Hey, woosher, why you upset?" Jack asked, seeing Signe curled up on the couch. "They are putting me on trial Jack," She sobbed. "What do you mean?" He asked. "They are putting me on death trial, at the Tirachia palace in three days, for an attempt to assist Mark and Amy," She wept. "King Ethan is a relative of the Kjellberg family, he is merciless, I will be dead in minutes, or bound a slave," Signe rambled. "I'm speechless Signe, why aren't they convicting me to? I helped Mark and Amy long before you did?!" Jack asked. "Listen, those books will explain all you need to know, until then, I will still be here, accepting death at it's most brutal form," She cried bursting into more tears. Jack knew there was no comforting her now, she had too many negative thoughts, so instead, he took her advice, and started to read about King Ethan and previous rulers:

After King Tyler Schied was assassinated by Pamela Kjellberg Horton, Ethan Nestor, former head knight and leader of the royal Tirachia guard, stepped up to the throne. He named Pamela royal advisor, and shortly after named his girlfriend Mika Queen. They have ruled the place for decades since King Tyler's death, and have committed hundreds of unnecessary murders. Many of the people killed were teenage misfits who got too curious for their own good, however, they still didn't break enough laws to be given the death sentence. To this day, King Ethan despises anyone who is a Keelen, or associates themselves with the Keelens, and often sentences them to death or slavery at any opportunity. Queen Mika once upon a time was the holder of the Kjellberg curse, and recently passed the curse onto Felix Kjellberg, a former student living at S.S.F.M.U.A and is taking a degree on Tirachia and professional wing races. News reporter Elise Hellen interviewed the young Kjellberg a few days into the new semester: he states "I will one-day rule Tirachia, regardless of what that blue-haired beast of a king says,"

Jack slammed the book shut and ran to Signe who lay sleeping on the couch, he knew exactly how to avoid the pathetic King Ethan, ruler of a grey, mistaken land, Tirachia..., or did he?

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