"We NEED answers!"

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The four returned to the hospital bed as if nothing happened, Amy knew the Kjellberg's had always been a vicious family and would stop at nothing to fulfil their bloodthirsty desires, but would they really kill two innocent teenagers who happened across the curse by chance? Amy's migraine was getting worse, she couldn't handle the thought of her friends dying due to a curse, she needed to leave. However, she didn't really know her way around this new school, but she couldn't put them through death for her. Amy hasn't been completely honest with the group, but it's for their own good, if they knew the whole truth and nothing but the truth, they would follow her. She needed time to plan, to train, and even if it was for better or for worse, she needed time to fight. The hospital room was filled with a thick, uncomfortable amount of tension, not even a knife could separate it. Everyone sat on the beds waiting for the others to speak. Amy hated seeing them all like this, especially Mark, all she has done since she met him was ruin his life and hurt him. Amy needed to create an escape plan, despite how much she cared for the group, she didn't want to drag them down with her. She wasn't about to let her friends die for her, "Guys, I'm sorry, truly sorry," Amy said, holding her hands to her face trying to ease her splitting headache. "What for?" Signe asked, the worry hidden behind her ocean blue eyes slowly becoming visible. "Je suis tellement desole, ne me cherche pas, Je ne te laisse pas mourir pour moi, Au Revoir," Amy replied, a tear forming in her chocolate eyes. The room was filled with white mist and a flash of light before Amy flew from her bed and out the window. "AMY, WAIT, PLEASE, WHAT DID THAT MEAN?" Mark screamed. "I understood a few things she said, I can speak a little bit of French," Signe sobbed wiping her smudged eyeliner. "She said, I'm so sorry, don't look for me, I swore I would never let you die for me, goodbye," Signe repeated. "What do you think she meant by that?" Jack asked from under his bed sheets. "Well, I don't know, but I'm sure as hell not gonna sit here and wait to find out," Mark said slowly rising from his bed and flying out the window, his majestic black wings sprouting from his shoulder blades. Mark began to gain height in the air before a blue mist surrounded him, causing him to fall to the ground. Seconds before his body hit the floor, Felix swooped down, his blue wings flapping rapidly, grabbing Mark. Felix swished his long blonde hair behind his ear before flashing Jack and Signe a toothy grin and zooming into the air, leaving nothing but a trail of blue behind him. "Signe, do you have any idea what in the hell just happened!" Jack asked bluntly. "Not particularly Jack, except the fact freaking Mark just got kidnapped by his mortal enemy, Amy has run away to plan god knows what, I wish I had wings, I could have actually asked her to give us a freaking real reason, and since when did she speak fluent French?!" Signe asked getting mad at Jack for no reason. "Calm down woosher, just asking," Jack laughed. "Did you really just call me woosher? Of course, you did," Signe laughed. "Well, I'm honestly stumped on how to even start to look for them," Jack said hanging his head. "Well, Amy said we would need numbers, so that's what we will get, I have about 30 cousins, we can ask them to join a 'club' to help us against the Kjellberg's, my family hates them too," Signe smiled. "Well, woosher, that's a great start, but we have one problem, we are locked in this stupid hospital," Jack said pulling on the handle. "I've got an idea," Signe smiled deviously. Signe rang the bell and called for a nurse, thankfully, Nurse Lacey unlocked the door. "What's the issue? The hospital is extremely busy around these hours, don't be brats, get back into bed," She said bluntly, her eyes switching red to black. Signe ran toward her, pulling a blanket over her head as Jack slid between her legs and dashed out the door locking her in. They high-fived each other and ran at full speed toward the front doors. "I should have known that the quiet ones were the ones to watch out for!" nurse Lacey cried, tearing at the thin sheet tied around her confident pink hair. 

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