Blonde bundle of joy

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Blonde bundle of joy

The last thing Dee remembered was falling to the ground, before all went black she saw the alter-egos rushing to help, the hooded figure remaining in the same position before large black wings sprung from his shoulder blades and he disappeared, leaving Dee with the alter-egos of her missing husband. After taking several medicines and tablets, of what remained in the house, Dee awoke, once again, to a bright light shining in her eyes. This time, however, she was lay in a bed, her sleeping baby in her arms. As she and the egos had predicted, it was a girl, a little blond girl. Dee caressed her baby's soft cheeks until a knock sounded at the door, "Come in," She murmured, her throat dry from dehydration. The door slowly creaked open, Dee expecting it to be an ego until she saw her husband. "How? Where are the egos? Are you OK?" Dee cried as tears of happiness rolled down her face. He sat at the foot of her bed staring at his wife and his new-born daughter. "It's a long story but it won't be as confusing as those ghastly egos I promise," he sighed, "I'm assuming they told you of the family curse," Dee nodded. "My alter-egos have disappeared and I am back to my normal self, however, Amy has the curse, I'm sure you are aware even though she won't be showing it yet," They both looked at there daughter before returning back to the conversation. "Will she have lots of different versions of herself like you did? "No, she will transform into them if a certain emotion gets too strong, and her regular appearance will return once the emotion begins to fade, such a tragic curse," After a few hours of discussing the side effects and consequences of the curse, Dee forgot that she saw Thomas get kidnapped. "I was taken to a torture camp, but before they got me, me and 65 others managed to dig a hole in time to escape before morning," Dee looked white as a sheet, she never knew he was in that much danger. "Are you injured anywhere?" Dee asked, "No but it looks like you are!" she lifted a hand to where she had taken the blow to the head, to feel a wet patch of blood staining her hair. Thomas ran to his rucksack and pulled out a first aid kit beginning to stitch and clean Dee's head. They lay baby Amy on the bed surrounding her with blankets and pillows before pulling up chairs beside the bed. "We need to leave America it's not safe for you and Amy," Thomas whispered, "We have nowhere else to go, Tom," "That's where you're wrong Dee," he cleared his throat, "My father lives on the military base in Honolulu Hawaii, we can live there till the war has passed, it will be a safe place for Amy to grow up and learn how to control her egos," "Didn't your father have an ego clan before he passed it down to you?" Dee asked. "Yes but only one of his voices were strong enough to escape, his crazy ego, he has all his other emotions but his crazy one took a body and mind of its own and ran away to Germany, and believe it or not, that ego is who conducted this war,'" Dee gasped in shock "Wow, I didn't know they were that strong," Thomas nodded and growled, "Neither did I, but we need to grab rations and food for the ferry to Honolulu, I'll get clothes, you get food and hygiene necessities for Amy and yourself," And they both went separate ways, gathering resources for there flee to Hawaii. Dee made a short trip to her house, carrying heaps of clothes and cosmetics, before preparing herself for the boring, but relieving journey ahead. 

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