My life with him

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Doug is the man she loved. The way he smiles to her always made her heart fluttered. Even if he didn't mean anything.

These few days give her some insights how her marriage life with him. If she's been married to him in reality.

One thing she learned, he's full of surprises.

They are holding hands when strolling one afternoon near their inn. And he suddenly just kisses her without any warning at all.

 And he suddenly just kisses her without any warning at all

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Doug smiles when she looks away. Too embarrassed to look at him for a while.

Knowing she's a virgin when they made love for the first time. Made him felt special. As if she's been waiting for him.

She asks sheepishly, "Why?"

"No reason. Just wanna kiss my beautiful wife."

Doug smiles and shakes his head.

Sometimes still hard to believe she's the little girl who followed him around when she's younger.

The little skinny girl who lost two front teeth. Has transformed into a pretty lady.

Eleven years ago...

"I don't care! I wanna go fishing too!" yells her.

Her big brother, Joseph said, "No girl allowed. Just go away, Emmie."

"I hate you, Joe!"

She fled from that spot. When they left the manor, she secretly followed them. Her brother and his friends from school.

They went fishing at nearby riverside.

She followed them, jumping on huge slippery rocks to cross the river. But she slipped and fell into the strong current river.

Doug quickly dived into the river and saved her life.

Kisses from you (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now