Wedding day

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Once again she wears a wedding dress. This time for a different man. The man she has loved for years.

She feels nervous and very lonely. Her mother has passed away many years ago.  She isn't close to her cousin, Cecil although his wife used to be her friend during her debut.

George has been sick for years and they spend most of the years in the countryside home.

(I should have kept my friendship with my friends. In my special day, I would be alone...)

Suddenly she feels gloomy. At least her father was still alive in her first wedding day.

(George, father, I'm marrying Doug today. Wish me luck).

She stares one last time to the mirror in her room.

A flashback to the past.

Staring into another mirror in her old bedroom (now belongs to Cecil).

A man behind her praises, "You're one beautiful lady. George is lucky to have you."

"Thanks, Charles. I hope we get along."

"Yes. That's my hope too."

Charles 'smile a bit too widely that day.

Back to the present, Emmie shudders. Thinking that evil man in her wedding day would bring bad luck.

She should have seen it coming.

Charles kept flirting her since the beginning of her marriage life. At first she chose to ignore him. When he began to touch her a bit too intimately, she had no choice but to report it to George, her husband.

George scolded his brother and banned him from visiting their home again.

But when George got ill, Charles moved in. Saying he wanted to stay by his brother's side.

At first, the flirting stopped. Emmie felt relieved. She thought Charles has changed. But he only planned to make more actions after George's death.

"This is it. Today I'm marrying Doug. Oh, I'm so nervous!"


Not many guests attend their wedding today.

She walks toward the altar alone.

Doug isn't there.

Her heart broke.

(Doug couldn't leave me, could he? He said he wanted to marry me...)

The priest informs, "A letter came for him and the groom went out."

The guests begin to gossip if Marquee Young has gone to visit his mistress before he got tied to a unfortunate widow.

A lady with bad luck.

That's how the ton labelled her.

They waited for an hour. But Doug never returned.

(He kept me waiting for years. Now he kept me waiting again. Why I love him?)

She leaves the altar with her head held high. She won't weep here. Not here. Not now.

A man rises from the last line of pews. He blocks her path when she's heading out of the church.

"He left you, didn't him? You should come back to me," says him.

"Charles. I better be dead than to be with you," replies her boldly.

He tightens his fists but he doesn't hit her. Too many witnesses here.

Charles fakes a smile.

He says, "You'll be back. I never lost."

Earl Worthington has left the church. Some shady characters are following him closely behind.

Emmie sobs a little.

Cecil's wife hugs her to comfort her.

She whispers, "Doug had his reasons. He wouldn't abandon you in altar alone. You must believe in him."

"I know..."

Guests start to leave the church. Gossip shall spread before noon that she got left in front of the altar.

Emmie doesn't care anymore.

Cecil says, "We are leaving too. Take care, Emmeline."

Emmie rubs her eyes.

She murmurs her thanks to them.

Cecil's wife scolds, "At least we could give her a ride home to Marquee's Young town house."

"Fine. Let's get going."

Cecil stares ahead of them. His wife is right. He doesn't like those goons near the church, eyeing his cousin like that.

At first, he thought he was doing the right thing. Handing her over to Charles. The respectable nobleman promised to look after her.

After seeing her bruised arms and face, Cecil changed his mind. He has promised to her late father to protect her. And he has failed to keep it.

Cecil suggests, "We better leave now. Before this place is empty."

Like he has thought, the goons don't do anything when they leave. Still too many eye witnesses around.

Cecil is relieved when they got to Doug's townhouse safely.

He warns, "Don't go out alone. Charles still wants you."

"I know. Thanks for everything, Cecil, Maria."

"What are you talking about? We are family. It's the right thing to do," says Maria.

They wait until she enters the house before leaving that spot.


In a small hut outside London...

Lucien scolds, "You are a bloody fool for coming here."

Doug cuts the rope that binds his friend to a pillar.

Lucien asks, "You left her in front of the altar?"

"Shut up! I'm trying to save you!"

Doug's head is bleeding. He had suffered few cuts on his chest and abdomen. Charles' men tried to kill him earlier. But Doug and his men took most of them out. His men are still fighting outside.

Doug has rushed inside alone to save Lucien.

Suddenly smokes rise everywhere.

The door, the only exit is on fire.

The hut is burning!

Lucien praises, "Smart move. Burning us would eliminate all evidences."

"Stop praising him! We need to get out of here!"

Doug's head swirls. He has lost too many blood.

( back to ...)

His world goes dark.

"Damn! You're heavy!"

Lucien curses when he lifts him up. His friend left his wedding ceremony to save his ass. He couldn't abandon him to die in here.

He looks for a way out. No visible exit.

Lucien coughs a lot. Smokes would kill them before fire did.

Terrible noises from above them. He looks up.

And the whole roof collapses on top of them.

----------------------The End---------------

Okay, okay, don't get mad.

Just kidding:)

Next chapter would start soon.

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