Help me!

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It's still quite early in the morning when Lucien visits them. It's kinda rude to visit a household so early in the morning. Must be something urgent.

Doug receives him in his office. Hope it wasn't bad news about Charles again. Apparently he hasn't given up in wanting Emmie.

Doug pours two glasses of Brandy for them. His friend looks like he would be needing it.

Lucien gulps the whole glass down in a single gulp.

"Wow! Is it that bad?" asks Doug.

"You don't know my father..."

"Okay. What did he ask you to do this time?" asks Doug before he takes a sip of Brandy.

Doug knows Duke Exeter personally. He might look like a stern man. But he is very royal to his friends and people he likes. Unfortunately he often puts too much pressure to Lucien, his heir.

Driving Lucien insane with his impossible demands.

Lucien says, "He forced me to marry Lady Penelope Roseanne."

"Who?" asks Doug.

"Exactly. The Lady never went to seasons. Completely satisfied with life in countryside. Even if she's the daughter of Duke Rathbone, I couldn't..."

"Did you say Rathbone?"

"Yes. The only one who remained neutral in the parliament. Father thought the marriage would win him over to his side."

Doug rubs his chin. He asks carefully, "Have you met her?"

"No. And I don't intend to go. Plenty beautiful ladies in this season. I told father I wouldn't marry anyone for well, another ten years. And he went berserk. Doug, you gotta help me!"

Doug smiles.

Everyone knows marriage is arranged between parents. The young Lords are just peons on chessboard played by their fathers.

Lucien walks in a circle in the room. It's rare to see him so nervous like this.

Doug orders, "Sit down, Luc. You would destroy my carpet. And it ain't cheap."

Lucien sighs before he sits down on a chair. Crashing down to be precisely.

"Now what?" asks him.

Doug says, "Now you go to Lady Penelope. See her for yourself."

"But the rumors say she's ugly, hideous. That's why she never mingled in ton."

"You from all people shouldn't trust rumors. Did you remember what they said about your little sister?"

Lucien sighs.

Then he says, "She would fall in love with me instantly. Look at me! Charming like a prince."

"Seriously, modesty isn't your best trait, old friend. If you're worried that much, you should go as someone else. A humble, poor nobleman."

Lucien's face brightens up.

He claps his hands in his joy. And then he says, "It's that simple. Thanks, Doug. One last favor, could you go with me? You could be me. And I shall be the poor Lord. Your sidekick."

Doug shakes his head. He asks solemnly, "You remember Charles, don't you? Can't leave Emmie alone."

Lucien nods. He forgot about that crook.

He says, "Guess you're right. No other choice. I have to take him. Although he might report my deeds to my father."


"You know him well. My shadow."

"Oh, him. Don't think he's that bad."

"That's because you didn't know him as well as I did. Don't let his innocent face fooled you."

Doug smiles. Deep down, he thinks Lucien appreciated that man like a real brother. Although he would never admitted it.

Lucien stands up. Then he says, "Write for me. I'll be in Cornwall. Seeing the mysterious Lady Penelope."

Doug warns, "Bring a gun with you. Keep yourself save. The Prime Minister ..."

"I know. Just protect your pretty wife from Charles. The marriage suits you well. You never look this happy in your bachelor life."

"Maybe you should get married too," teases Doug.

"Ten years. I wanna live freely for another ten years."

"The good ladies would be taken by then. Leaving you air head debutantes."

Lucien shrugs his shoulders. The idea of marriage doesn't appear in his mind until his father forced it to him.

Doug says, "Keep open mind. Who knows you would love her?"

"Me, in love? Get real, Doug!"

Doug only smiles. That kind of phrase usually taunts Cupid to shoot you with his love arrow.

Lucien has left the room. Doug takes another sip of Brandy.

Years ago, he thought Emmie fell in love with George, his best friend. He wished them luck with all his heart.

Doug continued his life as a bachelor, living wild, carefree life.

(Never felt happiness. Not since that night when Emmie said she's in love. I were a bloody fool! Should have asked her. Instead I cowered like a coward. Sought Lady Hope to distract my mind).

Doug stares to his wineglass.

If he had asked her, things would have been different. Emmie would be his wife. And Charles could never hurt her. Emotionally or physically.

Her bruises might have faded away. Not the fear in her heart.

She still have nightmares about Charles in the nights. Doug would get awakened and he would whisper comfort words until she falls asleep again in his arms.

Emmie knocks on the door and then goes in. She looks disappointed when seeing no sign of Lucien.

She says, "I ordered chef to cook extra foods. Thought he would have breakfast with us."

"Lucien is busy. His father forced him to marry a mysterious Lady."

"Really? That's big news!"

"No gossips, love. He trusted me..."

Emmie rises her hands. And she smiles widely. Too bad. The ladies in ton would be shocked. Luc is very popular. Young, rich and handsome Lord. Not to mention a heir to a powerful Duke.

Doug closes the door.

He holds her hand and leads her to a comfortable couch.

Emmie asks, "Are you hungry? Food would be served soon."

"Yes. I'm hungry. Let me eat you, wife."

Her eyes widened.

She gulps and then asks, "Here? But..."

She stares to the open curtains. Doug chuckles and he goes to close the curtains.

"Problems fixed. Now, shall we start?"

He holds the back of her head and then he kisses her collarbone.

"Doug... it's still early..."

He seals her protests with his kisses. Seducing her until she's ready for her once more.

(Three kids, no, make it four kids. That would kill Charles' ambitions to keep her. Emmie, I shall never hand you to him. Or any other man).

Emmie closes her eyes, enjoying fine morning session with her husband, Doug.

It seems the newlyweds would be busy making babies for a while.

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