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I covered my mouth, raised my eyebrow at the unbelievable arrangement for us to leave un-noticed.

Jack scratched behind his head, "You mean... we are going to climb in that garbage truck to leave this port" 

You gotta be kidding

The blue garbage truck stood immobile from a distance. Its stringent smell was awful from far, let alone hiding in it. My eyes stared at the overwhelming rubbish that was stacking behind.

I shook my head as I whispered under my breath, "No way..."

Orion bit her lips with her downcast eyes. "And... we probably have to get down halfway and find another transportation to get back into the city"

"It's fifty miles! How much is your halfway-getting-down?" Jack widened his eyes with a quizzical look.

Orion pouted her lips, "I think... about five miles from here that the truck would stop and let us get down"

 I gulped down my saliva at the remaining balance of forty miles. That's doesn't seem like a good idea.

 "I preferred the Ferrari idea now" Jack folded his arms, not pleased with the hassle that we were going to put ourselves through.

"There is a town there. We can check in at a motel and find transportation to the city the next day" Orion brushed off Jack's giving-up-on-getting-unnoticed idea.

"What do you say, Cam?" Jack threw me a glance, hoping that I will take his stand instead.

Seriously, my Ferrari could get us back to my place like... less than half an hour? The arrangement to hide ourselves in the smelly garbage truck for five miles and getting another way to the city seemed unpleasing. But, Orion was right that the Ferrari would get us noticed. And we still haven't had a single clue on who we are messing with. It's still a better idea to stay un-noticed for now until we figured out who were the mastermind and his/her accomplices.

"I'm sorry, Jack" I shot him an apologetic look.

"You girls are M.A.D" He gave us a withering look before walking away from us.


The five miles journey was indeed so smelly beyond tolerance level. I could felt my arm aching with the same position for the past god-knows-how-long time. Fingers clipped tightly on the high bridge nose as I felt myself suffocating from the horrible smell. My eyes caught duplicate images as the head was spinning like hell. Then I lost my balance, my head hit someone's chest. I looked up to find the gorgeous looking Jack with his ever sexy defined jawline. Jack carried me closer into his arms with his stern and annoyed look. 

I frowned at my last vote to take this garbage truck ride, "I'm sorry..."

He froze before patting on my back, "Bear with it,  we should be near "

I blushed at his words.He didn't blame me but worried for my welfare. I let out a soft chuckle at the ironic ride. I am a billionaire heiress, the girl whom had everything but I am right now seating in a garbage truck. I lost all of it, when my dearest grandfather was murdered. Wiping off the tears that expressed my hopelessness, I felt the regrets creeping on me again. If I could have paid more attention on grandpa,  he might not have been finished by the murderer. 

"I know it's hard." Jack let out a sigh, "Don't hold back If you can't "

My eyes swelled.  I buried myself in Jack's arms as I cried out loud. Gulping down my saliva,  my sobbing magnified at the loss. The blurry images and giddiness that was overwhelming put me into a deep sleep. Darkness fell onto my eyes... 

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