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The greenish nature surrounded me with comfort. I walked along the beach, enjoying the sound of sea waves. Seagulls flew around the rim of the sea horizon. My hands folded, in a cradling motion. I breathed in deeply. Eyes shut to feel the emotions that were vividly clear - I am in love with Jack.


My eyes turned around to whom had called me. Lip lifted from the sides as I realized the person that stood in front of me, "Dave!"

I leaped into his arm, relieved to see him.

He chuckled at my reaction, "Woah, I didn't know you are so happy to see me again"

Dave put me down as we walked side by side at the beach.

"How did you escape?" The last time, he was caught by the police because of me.

He winked at me, "Well, connections."

"So why are you here?" I wondered.

His eyes gazed at the sunset that was beautifully placed in front of us like a magnificent art piece. The brush of orange colored a big piece of the blue sky. We took a seat, settling side by side to watch this amazing beauty. My heart sang a calm and composure melody for nature. Right at this moment, I wished so much that Jack was the one who sat with me to watch this sunset. But that's not possible because... I pushed him away.

"The Ingle Nervas invited me, to thank me for helping you to escape" He looked at me warmly, "I will be joining you guys to search for the murderer"

I whispered, "Thank you"

Dave frowned, "You looked... troubled"

I shook my head in denial before I turned to Dave, "I am... glad that you are here" Sourness embraced me. I could almost feel myself choking at my own tears.


I am not sure what exactly was going. There's Dave, me, Orion, Jack and ... Jonas seating on the same dining table. The situation was sending shivers down my spine when I realized my fiance was here in the island. We had a short 'reconcile' time after I spotted him at the beach where me and Dave was enjoying some sunset scenery. And that's when I realize Jonas was also connected with us; he is also a Nervada - a very close friend with the Ingle Nerva family. Unfortunately, Jonas knew Jack.

"Jack, it's been a long time. The last time we hang out was like decades ago!" Jonas laughed out loud as he raises his wine glass to Jack.

Without any hesitation, Jack made a toast with Jonas like old time good friends. "You sure surprised me! Why didn't you tell me about your visit to Raoali?"

Jonas then kept quiet and stared at me for one moment.

"You knew... Cam?" Jack spotted the look on Jonas.

Jonas nodded as he walked over to my side where I seating between Orion and Dave. I froze to his sudden reaction when he called the waitress from nearby to bring in a chair beside me. Jonas sat down on the chair and started putting his hand on my shoulder, "Of course, she's my fiancee"

For one split second, everybody turned towards us and stared in silence. I gulped down my saliva, piecing some words with effort. "We... were arranged"

Jonas nodded, "Yes... yes... My father and her grandpa are good friends so they set us up." Then, Jonas watched my eyes with his dazzling smile. "And, I am glad it works out well"

I frowned at Jonas as I spared a moment to look at Jack's reaction. Jack was surprised. His eyes widened in utterly shock to the last sentence. I shook my head in denial of the misunderstanding perception that Jonas was portraying.

"Jonas..." But I left speechless in trying to make a logical explanation, afraid that Jack took it the wrong way.

"So, you are in love with her?" Orion raised her eyebrow at the somewhat connection that Jonas had on me.

Jonas nodded, "Pleasantly, I am crazy about her"

Then for one split second, I spotted what I had never seen on Jack's face. He was in the grips of the green-eyed monster. Jack suddenly turned warily against Jonas. Before the confession, Jack was still in a lighthearted mood to see Jonas around.

And I heard Jack's smirking, "Jonas, it's the twentieth century. Nobody still go for matchmaking marriage."

Then everyone turned to Jack in confusion. His words had somewhat created confusion to our understanding. Jonas frowned before speaking up, "But... I thought you were going to marry Gilbert, your arranged fiancee as well?"

Jack coughed as he choked at the sip of the wine that he was holding. He gulped down his saliva before breaking into laughter, in attempt to his embarrassment. "How funny... We are not arranged... Ha-ha...I'm... in love with Gil..."

His words stopped while Jack realized my stares. My eyes narrowed at the almost complete sentence. Fumes burned within. My hands grabbed tightly beneath the table. I felt myself being crossed out. It's like I never existed. Then I stood up without any hesitation and started fleeing from the dinner.

"Cam!" A voice wailed behind me.

A hand grabbed me tightly from running. Eyes swelled with tears. I gulped down my saliva as my body shivered.

"Hush, Cam..." He shook his head before pulling me tightly into his arms. "I am sorry, I didn't mean it. I am not sure why I say that but that's not what I really am feeling"

My hands pushed him away with force but was grabbed back tightly into his arm

"Let me go..." I sobbed in the floods of tears.

"No, Cam" Jack pulled me as he gazed at my eyes, "I... I can't let you go."

I stood in silence. Jack breathed in deeply as his hand grabbed on my arm tightly, "This time round, I won't let you go."

My hand stretched to touch his face. He held my gaze. A tear slide down at the edge of my eyes, "I never thought anyone could be... this important" Jack smiled, nodded in my acknowledgment, "Me too"


The blazing sun shone in. I squeezed my eyes open and saw Jack by my side. I turned away, unable to focus on his gaze. After the sweet confession, he had gone out to have a chilling night with Dave and Jonas. Although I was expecting for some 'bed times' with him but I guessed it was still too early. Jack said that he wanted it exclusively special for us so he wanted to wait for that swirl of moment.

Jack did a quick peck on my lips as he pulled me in his arms, "Wake up, sweetheart"

I blinked at my indulgence of his presence. I grabbed his collar, pulling him closer and kissed him again. Jack smiled, enjoying the intimation.

He chuckled, "I had a... surprise for you tonight" Then, his finger pointed at the spacious bed that I lay lazily on. His sexy voice stuttered me in a breath-taking moment as his eyes couldn't keep staring at me, "You really should get a shower before I... eat you now on the bed"

I stuck out my tongue cheekily while I allowed myself into the bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I undressed myself for the warm shower.

The tap was turned off. Water stopped flowing while I stepped out from the bath tub. Then, Jack's voice was heard from the other side of the door. I walked closely to hear it through the door. My hands grabbed the knob as I opened it slightly to hear the conversation.

"The ring is ready? Okay, I'm coming over." The phone call ended before I saw him walking towards the door.

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