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The water droplets slides down from the side of my arms as I felt a shivering sensation passed through me. My legs wavered against the sea tides. The hands swung along with the waves as eyes fell upon the beach at near distance. Letting out a sigh, I crumpled onto the beach as I landed flat on my back. Eyes shut tightly. Darkness overwhelmed my senses. I had just dropped into the deep ocean. Swimming across the deep blue sea, landing myself on an island that I had no idea where I was.

The thought of my own mother had ditched me for the fear of how her family would react towards my unexpected arrival brought me disgust. And the thought that my grandpa wasn't dead but I was put through the emotional roller coaster filled with guilt was disappointing. Not to forget the least of things that I was kept in dark and slowly revealing to me was just too much of a baggage for me to digest.

I wondered, how long more can I still handle this?

Whom should I trust? How should I live my life? What is going to happen to me?

Tear slide down at the edge of my eyes though the heart had grown stronger as times goes by. I am no more a billionaire heiress but just a girl being kept in dark from the ugliest secrets ever. Gulping down my saliva, I picked myself to seat up again. Gazing at that wide horizon, my hands clenched tightly. It was terrifying that I had no one to turn to, no one to depend on but just me.

Then, I breathed in deeply and headed inside the woods. It was soon to be darkness and I needed a place to crash for the night. Everything would have to wait for tomorrow. But one thing for sure, LL and the Nervadas would come for me. They needed the Hook and probably I am the only one right now whom might know where it was.

My feet brought me to a cave after walking along the trails of some muddy route. It seemed like the trail was created humanly previously. Nevertheless, I walked closer with cautions. My eyes watched carefully at the cave as I felt the light of fire faintly emerged from the cave. Someone was inside, definitely. Hands supported my body from the side as I peeped in. There, a man was curling himself near the fire pit. He was in a ragged outfit. It seemed like he merely survived from some shipwreck and had swam over to this island like I was.

"Erm... Hi" My voice pieced faintly as a polite greeting.

That man turned to me with his eyes widened. He had a ragged look with a thick beard embracing his chin. That pair of sparkling emerald eyes watched me warily before softening at my presence after assuring that I meant no harm.

"I am Cam", My hand stretched out.

Still, he froze for one moment before stretching out his hand as well to greet me, "I am LL"

I frowned at his name. LL?

Then his hoarse voice uttered at my reaction towards his name, "Is... there... a problem?"

I shook my head, squeezing a smile on the face. "No... it's just that..." bitten lips as I continued my sentence, "-what's your full name?"

His eyes wandered at my question, "I am LL"

I breathed in deeply as I continued to ask for details., "Like just L and L, not something like Leo Louis or... maybe Lester Lam?"

Eyes turned around at the surrounding. The cave was cold with a faintly light that came from the fire pit. I turned back to him and found him settling himself near the fire pit. Indeed, the cold night needed a pinch of warmth. Just like the endless drama that had dampened my hopes needed a pinch of warmth of humanity.

The man just shook his head and smiled, "Nope, just LL"


LL started sharing with me about his story of how he got here. As expected, his ship went down and he just swam off and found this island. I wasn't believing someone whom was that special to have a name with only two alphabets so I asked more. LL said that he was named by his mother whom had limited vocabulary and grammar. Thus, the name LL. Nonetheless, it was surprising and dangerous as well. Because the card that written from LL could be anyone and probably might be this man in disguise. It was still unknown about the mastermind and it was probably just a guessing that LL was Leo.

"So... how you got here?" LL asked, "Shipwreck as well?"

I nodded, "Yeah... shipwreck" Of course not telling a stranger that I jumped off from the oil port and swam here. He will think I am insane.

LL looked out from the cave, "It seemed like the sea hadn't been calm recently to consider two shipwrecks that happened"

"You are always on the sea?" I wondered at his tone. He seemed of a resident of the sea to have spoken in that manner.

LL nodded without any hesitation, "I lived on the sea, in a ship house with my family"

"LL," My eyes wandered at him as the questions swam behind my mind for answers.


"Do you happen to know anyone by the name, Cameron Willies?"

LL chuckled, "She's my fiancee"

Then he stood up, walking to the entrance of the cave. "Speaking of that, I just sent her a card and it took so long for her to reply to me." His eyes wandered to me in familiarity, "Right, Cameron?"

I breathed in deeply as my senses tightened at him calling me. This is LL, the person whom sent me the card. "You... are LL."

LL frowned at my claim, "Of course, I am LL"

I shook my head as I frowned on his other sentence, "You said...Fiancee."

LL looked at me apologetically, "I am so sorry to shock you. It was not in my culture to do that but of course, my family had a long history with yours so technically - you are my fiancee"

"I don't get you"

"I am an Elfroy. Ingle Nervas and Elfroys are in-laws right from the beginning of god-knows-when, and it just happen that I was arranged to marry you by the rankings in our Nervadas' ancestry books."

I gasped in terror at his claim.

Now, this is another shocker for Cameron Willies.

Yet, another drama that I hadn't seen it coming...

Author's Note:

Hey guys, I am back with another chapter. Sorry if there is any grammar spelling error. Hope you loved the updates and I will see you soon again! And lastly, if you like it, please vote for me or leave me your precious comments. Chaos~

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