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The stars brightly dazzled my eyes as they swam across the darkest time of the night. My heart fluttered as I feel them in the grip of my imagination. My eyes frowned as I felt sour; tears lingered at the edge of my eyes. I could feel the breathing significantly sobbing with the pain that cradled my heart. Hand clenched above the chest area. I shivered intensively. My emotions heightened with the word – grieving. I shook my head, gulping down saliva as I denied, "No..." My broken voice forced a mere word that fought hard to admit.

I breathed in deeply, gasping for air as the pain choked me. I coughed as I sobbed louder. My leg found them falling on their knees, as my eyes lowered at the grass patch. Cradling against the grass, my eyes frowned while the yelling went aimless. There was no one going to catch me fall. There was no one going to tell me that it's okay. There was no one going to smile and get angry at me just because I matter. That no one is gone.

"Are you sure-" Orion decided to break the silence of my sobbing, "that you are not going to see him for the last time?"

My eyes wandered at the darkness.

"It's still... not too late to go now"

I turned around at Orion, "Then what? Then see him leave and what?" My eyes widened at the reminder.

Orion didn't reply back but frowned at my words.

"Then I will come back here and grieve again that he was gone when I am now grieving that he is going to be gone" I breathed deeply as I felt the sobbing choking at me again.

Orion bit her lips, "I just feel... that it's not all about you only"

Then she left me dumbfounded.

"Because Cuz didn't want this and he had no choice but to" Orion shook her head, "and he loves you."

I let out a sigh. The pain was still unbearable for me to embrace it. "Orion, I can't accept that he is going to leave me" I shook my head, "I just...can't"

Orion walked over. She took my hands and put in her grips, looking at me with her pleading eyes. "Then, do it for him instead."


When we reached Waterfalls, I had seen the crowd that I never seen one from the umpteen times that I visited. Everyone was here, bidding their good bye. I breathed in deeply as the pain grew. My hand grabbed onto my chest, suppressing it as I walked among the crowds. Then, I saw Gilbert. Her face was much pale than last seen. She nodded in acknowledgement at my presence. I did a slight bow and walked past her.

"Cam" Grandpa stood by the hut where Jack was.

My eyes watched the door. I felt the shivering sensation sent down a chill on my spine while I reached towards the knob. Tears couldn't resist flowing down. Then, Felicia patted on my back as she grabbed the knob for me. "Go in, he's in there"

I looked up and found that ever positive Felicia smiling at me. I nodded as I led myself in. Then, the door closed behind as I stepped forward. The hut was familiar. It was the same hut that I crashed for a night before me, Orion and Jack went on a journey to find the mastermind and the Hook. My eyes caught the sight of the bags that Jack brought it to Waterfalls. I chuckled at the sweetest part of the memories before my eyes turned to the only bed that stood inside the hut.

Jack was lying restlessly in his human form. He looks worn off. Then he spotted me, his eyes smiled. I walked over; my hand grabbed his, "Hi..."

Jack let out a sigh as his smile worn across his face, ""

I nodded.

"I... are not coming" He let out a soft chuckle before he coughed hard.

My hand reached to his back, patting it softly, hoping it will make him feel better. I frowned at his negativity about me, "Why you think that?"

Jack held onto my hand, "Because... I knew you"

I lowered my glance, ashamed to look at this man whom knew me so well. Then his hand cupped my cheek as those dazzling eyes looked at me intensively, "It's ... okay."

"I..." Then a sigh stopped me from continuing.

He nodded, "I... know" His hand reached mine as he grabbed it tightly, "-that... it's hard... to see me... gone"

Then I bit my lips as I tried to hold back my tears but they were helpless to resist, "You can't leave... Not today".

Jack patted on my head, "Silly girl" He took me in his arms as I rested on his shoulder as the tears rolled down my cheek as I sobbed inside his cuddles. I circled my hands around his shaken waist as I felt the last warmth and touch of Jack.

Then, a string of silence stood in clarity of the hut. There was just my own breathing and sobbing heard. My eyes stared blankly while I pulled him apart. Shivered in terror, eyes gazed at the person whom seemed to have fallen asleep.

"J-Jack?", I called upon his name but there was no reply. I shook him to wake him up, afraid that it was the last good bye but still, Jack remained motionless. He wasn't responding. He didn't respond. He was gone... for real. 

My eyes widened in despair, shaken at the fact. My tears stain traced the pain that was raw and fresh. The heart bled profusely to numbness. I blinked off, the remaining tears that was dwelling at the edge of my eyes. Fingers trembled as I reached forward, gulping down my saliva, my hands touched the motionless Jack. I gasped at the warm temperature that has faded off. A tension spiked as I frowned, gasping in my own sobbing, tears couldn't resist to flow down. I shook my head, denying the fact that I am going to be alone in this, alone without Jack. 

"Cam?" Felicia opened the door slightly. She had stood behind me, patting on my back as I shivered in tears. 

She circled around me without hesitation, giving me that mere warmth which wasn't enough to cover the zero degrees Celsius that my heart had frozen to. It was like my heart had stopped beating strong. I lay against her chest, stared blankly at Jack. His eyes were closed. There was no breathing from him. He had stopped fidgeting. He was not moving and he won't wake up to me, again. There was nothing left from him. 


"Yes, my dear?" Her hand stroked my head, comforting that raw and fresh wound inside me. 

"I love him." I gulped down my saliva, "I love Jack" 

She nodded as her cuddles tightened around me, "I know, dear" 

I bit my lips, frowned at the pain. "I think I'm going to miss him... a lot" 

Felicia let out a sigh but still didn't let go of me. I dig myself in her cuddles, unable to stand up on my own. I was broken and shattered. Then, she whispered into my ears, "You will be fine, trust me" 

I nodded; tears were overwhelming as my hands grabbed onto her tightly.

I will be fine...

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