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"Who's LL?"

The question served a self-reminder. A fading memory surfaced as I tried to recall. I stared blankly at the broad horizon. My feet brought me closer to the sea tides that surfed up to the beach. The name, LL does sound familiar.


"I'm sorry Leo.", tears tried to held back as the hand didn't loosen its grip.

Leo shook his head. He had the card crumpled in his fist written - Love, LL. He knew but he would rather live in denial.

I watched his back drifted away in the crowd. My tears fought hard to hold back. It was nonetheless despairing that the truth had break us apart after how much we held ourselves together.

It all started when we accidentally bumped into one another at the most romantic city. We stood in front of the church, gazing at each other by coincidence. He wore a brown leather jacket while the white ear piece worn across. I held my gaze at him, listening to Ne-Yo latest hit.

Leo walked over, "Hi, I'm Leo."

My hand hurriedly took off one side of the ear piece. I uttered a response back, "Cameron, you can ... call me just Cam."

He nodded, "just Cam?"

I shook my head, blushed at the distance between us. "I ... mean.... Cam"

The city was romantic; the ambiance was in a profound artistic sense. We walked around, toured with each other companion. I was drunk in the moment. And so was Leo.

"The weather can get any colder than this?" I shivered as I pulled down my sleeve to get the maximum warmth in my winter coat.

Leo did a gentleman gesture. He walked nearer and held me in closer to his chest. It was so intimate that I could hear him breathe. One of his arms circled around my shoulder as I felt the warmth cuddling me under his coat.

"There, it should be less cold." The voice sent a tingling sensation as I tried not to blush in bliss.

Then Leo held me by my waist as his mesmerized eyes fell deeply in mine, "Can I have the honor to kiss the lady whom is in my arms?"

I could feel my heart raced as the next second, Leo had closed up my lips with a tendering kiss in the cold weather. We stood outside another ancient church, holding onto each other tightly as we kissed.

"You know I missed you." Leo's ever tendering emotion cooed on me again while we spoke on the phone like a daily ritual. We would talk on the phone every single day and shared with each other about what was going on in our life. It was a long distance relationship as we stayed apart.

I rolled over to the other side of bed, hand held onto the phone close to my ear. I chuckled in bliss. Everything that he said just made me laugh hard at. Everything he talked just interests me. He was like the best companion, like the other half that no one can ever replace.

Then I headed back to city after six months to see Leo during one of my family's business trip. Leo took me back to the church again where we were first met. He held my hands as he knelt down unexpectedly with a ring in his hand, "Will you marry me?"

I gasped in happiness. Tears were overwhelming. I nodded as I shivered. The response was Leo taking me in his arms.  He wore a dazzling smile.

"Let's get married this winter." Leo continued.

I widened at his words, "That's... three months from now?"

Leo nodded. "I can't wait any longer. I need to be with you everyday"

But happiness seemed to have short lived on me...

We booked the first flight after I have accepted his romantic proposal. Leo swiped his credit card like a delighted boy as we bought our air ticket. I smiled at his expression, cherished in his arms that were full of love for me. He turned me in between, gazing at me like I was his rare gem. I chuckled at the man, cupped his chin as I pecked on his lips.

"We will come back after your parents' approval" Leo flipped through the menu for his in-flight meal.

 I cradled to the side, watching the plane moving away from the airport. "And my ever-troublesome grandpa too"

Leo chuckled at my description on grandpa, "Yes, your grandpa"

My eyes fluttered with love, gazing back at my handsome fiance. That word 'fiance' just sent an adrenaline in the gut of my stomach. I could kiss him again, here in front of everyone else.

"Senorita." He watched mine, a touch of tendering emotions with him closing my lips with his.

After six hours, we finally reached. Leo had my luggage as he led me out of the arrival hall. I looked around, in search for my chauffeur whom I had gave him a call before we boarded the flight.

Then, a man in a smart tuxedo walked towards us, "Miss, I see that you have company.  Do you need me to contact Nanny to prepare one extra serving for dinner? "

"Yes please." My eyes watched Leo as I smiled at Ben.

The moment we reached my place, I hurriedly opened the door to the adults that were seating together enjoying their afternoon tea in the main hall by the fire pit. I was full of excitement to introduce Leo to my parents and grandpa. But the tension of whether grandpa would accept Leo as my husband could not be neglected.

"Honey, is that your friend?" Mom smiled politely at Leo.

Leo nodded as he greeted them, "Hi, Auntie. I am Leo Louis Matervon. "

Grandpa suddenly stood up, "a Matervon?" Then he let out a chuckle, "you must be Adam's son."

Leo was caught surprised by the name, "Yes Sir, do you know my father?"

Then dad laughed from the background, "of course, Dad sold Adam away."

I widened at the sentence.  My eyes frowned at dad as I insisted for an explanation.

"Adam is...", then mom noticed our hands holding to each other tightly. She coughed a bit as she grabbed me over, "We... shouldn't let the guest stand outside for too long. Leo, please join us for tea."

"Mom?" I hissed as I stared at my mother for an answer.

*End of Flashback

"Please tell me...." Orion voice awaken me from the memories, "you are not dazing again in your flashback"

I kept my lips tight.

Orion widened her eyes as she stared at me in terror, "You know who LL is."

"It's kind of complicated... "I let out a sigh as my hazelnut eyes frowned with the weight that hung across my heart, "but...  it does make sense if he's the mastermind."

Author's Note:

If you have noticed, I had added media onto each chapter to help on the aid of giving a better illustration on an overall emotion that Cameron Willies was going through. That's all for now and I am looking forward to update the next chapter soon. For the time being, please do forgive me 'again' on my English and I have to thank you guys for spending the time to read. Do leave me a comment as well if you have anything you wanna say! See ya soon. :) 

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