5. The Feel Good Drag

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    When I got to school, I headed straight to homeroom, to grill people about this Facebook . Missy was the first person I saw, sitting at her desk and reading some girly magazine. I sat in the desk next to her, pulling it up against hers and ripping the magazine out of her hands.

   She glanced up, looking irritated and ready to yell at whoever had done it, but broke into a smile when she realized it was me.
M: "You're such a dick, it's actually kinda charming."
T: "Thank you, Melissa. Sorry to interrupt your article on fun ways to get your period, or whatever girls read about, but I need you to tell me everything you know about the elusive Facebook. I'm not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, so if you could explain it in layman's terms, and this here Benjamin Franklin can be all yours."
I waved the bill in her face to make it look more appealing.
M: "I don't want your money, Taylor. It's seriously not that hard."
She snickered at me, like I was being ridiculous.
T: "Good, because I wasn't gonna to give it to you...but I wasn't gonna tell you that until after you told me what I wanted to hear. Please, do continue."

    She was a good sport. She spent all of homeroom explaining every detail of a Facebook conception. I took notes, made bar graphs, pie charts, diagrams, spread sheets; you name it. Finally, I had a plan that I controlled. I needed that control to feel any relief. It's seriously comparable to a drug addiction, the way someone with that issue will go to any lengths and cause any destruction necessary to get those drugs; with no concern for who they hurt or the consequences. They'll deal with the hell after they get what they want.

    I actually had a decent day, armed with this new found power. I wanted to talk to my friends and know what was going on with them. I meant it when I laughed and asked how they were. I passed Dan in the hall again, on my way to English. I looked him right in the eyes and couldn't help but smile. He had no idea what was coming to him.

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    When I got home, I got right to work. It took me the majority of the night to get everything perfect with the wallpapers and my pictures and my info section. Mona Lisa could go fuck herself; this was a true masterpiece. She was a wretched looking woman, I assume she also had boy troubles.

It was getting late, so I decided to leave the actual messaging part for the next day. I looked up Dan's page again, before going to sleep. He'd changed his profile picture to a side view of him playing air hockey at some arcade and looking scrumptious as usual. I zoomed in, until the picture took up my whole screen, and just stared at it. It was like a magnet to my pupils. I couldn't look away.

Before I knew it, I was rooting through my closet, pulling out my mini printer and hooking it up to my laptop. My mind was wondering what the hell I was doing, while my body was moving on its own. I turned the printer on and clicked every single picture in his photo albums. One by one, they slid out of the printer and gracefully fell onto my desk. When I was finished, I lined them up across my bed. I had fifty-three. Fifty-three stills of Dan doing something other than walking the halls. It felt like I was spying on him or breaking into his life. If all went well, I'd be in one of these pictures someday.

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