⚠️ This is a true story, unfortunately.
🖤1st in a series
I labeled this as teen "fiction" because my target age group usually thinks of self-help books or text books when they hear "non-fiction" and don't realize a memoir reads like a...
What helps me remember this day, even though it was the most insignificant part, was when I got to my aunt's house and found Jack in the playroom. I was first stunned to see him in there actually playing and not throwing shit about and causing a ruckus. He had a whole booming metropolis Lego city built on the floor. I almost wanted to pack up and move to it, as I sat down beside him, to get a closer look. T: "What's all this for?" J: "I'm playing God. I decided to just create this small perfect city, instead of a whole earth. Too many sinners to keep an eye on." T: "I know how that is. What are these buildings supposed to be?" J: "Mostly condos, Whole Foods grocery stores and a pet shop. What else do you really need?" T: "A liquor store. What are you building now?" J: "Well, I just finished an office building over there in the corner, but there's a strict dress code. This is the welfare building, so the pirate and princess Lego people can get government assistance and potentially give back to the Lego community."
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Ally was rushing around her room, potential outfit choices strewn all over, and a towel still wrapped around her from getting out of the shower. I was going to the concert with them and my friend, Stellan. I'd met him when he bagged my groceries at the store one day and we got to talking. I found out went to the area public school with a lot of my old grade school friends and we knew most of the same people. He was the first homosexual I'd ever encountered in real life and I found him fascinating. He was home from medical school for the week, and told me how it was a rip off and crayons were mandatory to bring to every class, like some sort of sick joke.
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I set my purse down on the floor to look through Ally's clothing choices; not thinking and leaving it unattended. A: "Shut up, is that the new Valentino bag!? It's so cute!" I whipped around to grab it, knowing I had a bad habit of never zipping my bags shut, but she'd already noticed the contents inside. She eyed me, then the pill bottles, then me again. A: "Oh, hi Tayl. What is this? You just got here and we have drama already." T: "Oh! That's where my Tic-Tacs went. I'll just take those back. They're so minty fresh..." A: "Taylor..." T: "They're not mine." A: "Taylor..." T: "I found them." A: "Taylor..." T: "They're for allergies." A: "You don't have allergies." T: "Yes-huh, I'm actually allergic to kiwi...the fruit, not the person." A: "They don't sell breath mints in prescription bottles and you don't take daily medication for occasional tropical fruit allergies! I gotta get ready, I don't have time for this."