⚠️ This is a true story, unfortunately.
🖤1st in a series
I labeled this as teen "fiction" because my target age group usually thinks of self-help books or text books when they hear "non-fiction" and don't realize a memoir reads like a...
KIWI TEXT: I talked 2 ur young bull. He said he's cool 2 talk. TAYLOR TEXT: Is he really gonna do it? KIWI TEXT: Sounds like it. Seemed excited 2. Come 2 my choir show 2night? TAYLOR TEXT: I can't. I have a funeral to go to. KIWI TEXT: Who died? TAYLOR TEXT: My interest in seeing anymore of ur choir shows. KIWI TEXT: Srsly!? Cmon, it's not like the other ones. I get 2 sing whtever I want. TAYLOR TEXT: Wht r u singing? KIWI TEXT: Some song about crack.
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I knew I had a problem when I went to a choir show just for him and knew Dan wouldn't be there. I didn't understand my actions. My whole goal was to make him putty in my hands, not for me to be doing him favors...but I couldn't tell him no. It was one thing to hurt him psychologically without his knowledge but to actually hurt him at the surface level, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I knew he wanted me there and I couldn't let him down.
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I saw him waiting out front, by the gym doors, as Pen and I made our way across the front lawn. There were sparse groups of people walking ahead of us and I realized Alexis was in one of them, unaware that we had arrived. Kiwi was playing on his phone and looking deep in concentration, probably to appear busy so everyone would leave him alone. Pen pulled me behind a corner of the building, when she noticed Alexis break away from her group and walk up to him. She just stood there as he continued to play on his phone and ignore her. A: "Hey." K: "Get the fuck away from me." A: "I'm sorry about the other night, I know you're pissed. Don't you care how it makes me feel to see you guys together when I still love you?" He looked up at her, adjusting his thick black glasses, like he was too intelligent to bother with her. K: "No, not really. Did you care how it would make me feel when you cheated on me?" A: "Stop bringing that up! I know you were trying to make me jealous because you still feel something for me. I love you." K: "You don't love me. You don't know anything about me; you were too selfish to give a shit. You just want me as your arm candy." A: "That's not true!" K: "Why would I waste my time trying to make you jealous, when I could clearly have you with no effort? Stop groveling, it doesn't look good on you." A: "I'm a different person now, I can prove it." K: "I don't know how to say this any other way...except in French, I'm actually really good at that. I do not love you! I don't even like you! I never felt about you, the way I feel about her and I think you knew that the whole time we were together. That's why you hate her so much, isn't it? You knew that's who I really wanted. You were just a place holder." A: "You don't mean that..." K: "I would rather die alone, than with you. I said get away from me."