⚠️ This is a true story, unfortunately.
🖤1st in a series
I labeled this as teen "fiction" because my target age group usually thinks of self-help books or text books when they hear "non-fiction" and don't realize a memoir reads like a...
K: "What did it say?" T: "Nothing! There were no messages in my inbox! She clicked on the sent box by accident and saw the two messages I'd sent him."
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That was the day I stopped believing anything Ally said. It's not her fault, she's just very dimwitted and it's a hardship the whole family has had to learn to live with. To this day, I take everything she says with a shaker of salt. She's not a liar or anything, she just misconstrues information in her head like a computer encrypting and scrambling codes. By the time it gets to you, she gives you this Picasso of information that she really believes is the honest to goodness truth. If I asked her what color the sky was, she'd say lemon zinger yellow and swear that's what she saw when she looked outside. Then I'd look up and see blue and say "Now what the hell is that, Ally? Ain't yella' colored like you said, is it?" And she'd act shocked as a newborn fetus and spend all day trying to convince you she saw yellow. Our family saying is, "Oh Ally, at least you're pretty." She's very academically smart but common sense retarded. I have a strong belief that you can't be both.
K: "I told you he sounded confused." T: "Maybe my Facebook pictures are too blurry and he can't tell who I am. Take a phone picture of me and show him." Anytime I could make up an excuse for Dan, it eased my anxiety. I couldn't take no for an answer because he didn't give me no for an answer. Even a confused yes, is not a no. It was always that next plan or that next push that could be the one to break him. K: "He's gonna think I'm crazy for talking about you again. I don't understand why you need him to answer you this badly." T: "I don't understand anything you do, ever. I think we're even." K: "Touché. I don't have to set up all the chairs today, so let's do this photo shoot." T: "Why not?" K: "All the black kids skip class when the vending machine guy refills the barbeque chips. Not that I mean that racist. I'm tight with the white and down with the brown." The bell rang, as he whipped out his phone and a small flash went off in my face. T: "You better delete that when you're done." K: "I don't know...I might keep it for extracurricular activities, if you know what I mean." T: "...I would castrate you and call the police on myself."
There was seriously no way Dan could deny me now. He knew, better than anyone else, what I looked like. There was no such thing as confusing visual evidence. I was sick of feeling helpless in my own body; not being able to control my emotions or functions. I was waiting for Dan to stop making me worry. I was placing my treatment in his hands, rather than seeing this as a personal problem. If it wasn't Dan, it'd be someone or something else making me feel this way but I had yet to see or admit that.
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