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Remus POV

I flip through the pages of my sixth-year Herbology book, hoping to find something that'll help me with the huge essay about how to tell the difference between a Devil's Snare and a Flitterbloom. Peter was sitting on his bed, trying to get spilled ink off a potions assignment. The rest of the Gryffindor house was down in the common room, partying after a Quidditch match. Rumor was that was someone had managed to snag some firewhisky from the last Hogsmeade visit. Not really fancying big parties, me and Peter went upstairs to get some work done.

I finally land on something helpful for my essay when James and Sirius come bursting in. Peter spills more ink on his already wet parchment. My stomach lurches. Sirius has the top button of his shirt undone and his Gryffindor tie hung around his neck. He's so gorgeous right now, I'm reminded of why I've had a crush on him for six years. Sirius had his arm around James's neck, and it looks like he would collapse without the support. James is still carrying a glass of firewhisky and they're both singing loudly, the words incoherent. James hobbles over to Sirius's bed where he drops him and falls back onto his own.

"Wow guys," I say with a smirk. "You got really drunk didn't you?" Sirius manages to stand and take one step but then collapses face-first on my bed next to me. His words are muffled, but it sounds like "Shut up, Rem." He rolls over, his long black hair more untidy that I've ever seen it. I brush his hair out of his eyes and he looks up at me. My chest feels like it's filled with helium.

"Don't even try to pretend," I whisper, smiling. "That you didn't get drunk. Bloody hell Siri, it's two in the morning."

"Remus I love you," sang Sirius, hiccuping. The words made my heart flutter, but I know that there's no way he could mean it. If I had a Sickle for every time Sirius said something he didn't mean when he was drunk, I'd be richer than Gringotts.

"Pads, go to bed," I say softly. James is already snoring on his bed, fully clothed. Peter has given up on getting the ink off his parchment and was climbing into pajamas.

"Remus?" he whispered, his eyes closing and his hair still crazy.

"Yes, Siri?" I reply, closing my Herbology book.

"Do you love me?" Remus could think of the words immediately. Yes, Sirius, I do love you. I have since we started here. I know nothing would ever happen, and that I should just be grateful that you'd even want to be friends with a hideous creature like me. And I know you're not asking this for real right now, so I need to act normal.
    "Sure Pads, sure. Now go to bed."

"Remus I love you," he sang again, this time softer. I could sense his falling asleep next to me. My stomach flipped again when he spoke, but I ignored it.

"Alright, c'mon Sirius, let's go, just a little way," I drape his arm around my shoulders and lead him to his bed. He falls face first into it again. I look at Peter who is silently laughing. I grin. They'll wake up with the biggest hangover in history- and I'm not looking forward to that.

Sirius POV

I wake up in the morning staring up at the ceiling of my four-poster. I'm still wearing my robes and I have the worst hangover of my life. My hands still smell like firewhisky. I look around the sleepy room, strewn with me and my friend's junk. Except for Remus's bed. His trunk is placed neatly at the foot of his bed, with no contents surrounding it, and a single book about astronomy on his bedside table. Even early in the morning, he sits carefully on his perfectly made bed, reading a book on Herbology. That's when I remember the giant essay due tomorrow for that class. Bloody school; I'd want to quit if I didn't have to go back to my horrible family. I shift slightly so I can see Remus, but so he can't see me looking at him. He's so pretty, easily the most handsome boy here, not counting myself. The way his hair just barely fell into his amber eyes seems to give my insides the all clear to start the Irish jig.

Ugh, why. Why can't I resist him? This boy who I love, who I can't love. Ever. It's not possible. Not that it matters, because he probably thinks I'm obnoxious. Which I am. My mind flashes back to last night. All I remember is partying, then coming upstairs and falling asleep. Trying to shake off my hangover, I sit up.

"Moony?" Remus jumps. So does my heart. "Sorry," I say softer. "Um, w- what did I say last night?"

"Well, you and James came in singing some old song, then you fell over on my bed and said that you loved me. Then you asked me if I loved you. Then you fell asleep." He paused. I think this is what it feels like to be dying. I feel heat crawl up into my face. "How's the hangover?" His question brought me back to reality.

"Huh?" I ask.

"How are you feeling Pads?" He says it gently, looking at me with his adorable eyes. According to Remus, there are "tons of girls" who'd do anything to get me to ask them out. Why is it that my best friend- my straight best friend- is the one person I can't talk to clearly? I run a hand through my hair and fall back on my bed, ignoring his question.

"I'm sorry, I- that was stupid. I don't mean it- obviously- I mean we're friends, I'm not in love with you. I'm stupid when I'm drunk. I'm sorry."

"Siri," he says, so softly that I can barely hear him. "It's fine. I know you were drunk. It's okay." Something made me think that it wasn't okay. His cheeks were a little pink and he looked a little disappointed. But no- that's not possible.

"I mean-" I start, but loose thought. How can he do that to me? I look up. He's looking down at his Herbology book, although I can see him grinning and I can tell that his face is as red as mine. Stupid, cute Remus Lupin with his stupid, cute face and his stupid, cute hair and his stupid, cute smile. I sigh and roll over, only to vomit on my half completed Herbology essay. I wave my wand and clear it up, but I stay slouched over my bed. I manage to crack a feeble smile and laugh quietly to myself. There's no denying it anymore. I guess this is what it feels like to be in love.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this sorta short chapter. P. S. the art at the top is by rialve and it's adorable :)

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