What's Not To Love: Remus

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Part two, what Rem loves about Sirius

Remus (about Sirius)

How he looks good in basically any type of clothing

Leather and jean jackets

His rebel side

But also his sweet side

His long black hair and how much he loves it

His mother, James Potter

How strong he is after being disowned by his own family, and how he still has the capacity to unconditionally love others


How he can be cocky, but is a lovely person

How he can always make me feel better

How he magically manages (no pun intended) to get outstanding grades while being put in detention every other day

His constant, and may I add, genius, pranks and tricks

How genuinely smart he is, although he doesn't let on

How much of a flirt he is, but he knows who he belongs to

Black, ripped, skinny jeans

How he cares for me no matter what, and would give anything for his friends

How he knows about four different languages

How well he can slow dance

How flat-out charming he is

How he can always make me smile (and blush)

Kissing him is heaven.

His flying motorbike

Every. Single. Thing. 

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