Spin the Bottle

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Art by upthehillart ^ *so pretty :)*

Remus POV

"Remus, your turn," Lily says, her lips still a little pink from kissing James. I sigh and lean forward to spin the empty Firewhisky bottle. It turns several times before landing on the person next to me, the one person who I'd love to kiss. But at the same time, it would be terrible. If I kissed him I might never be able to convince myself that I'm not madly in love with him. We both know that we like each other; quite a shock in the beginning, but I'm slowly beginning to believe it. I just need to keep my emotions under control. I swallow. So many times have I dreamt of kissing him. The most that has ever happened was us holding hands.

"Oooooh," James sings. "Remus and Sirius!"

"Shut up, Prongs," Sirius growled. There were sometimes where his animal side was so evident; it was the same with me and the rest of our gang. Of course, it was the hottest thing since Sirius himself. His long black hair hung in gentle waves around his adorable face. The face that I've spent countless classes admiring. His cheeks were pink, but the color was nothing compared to mine.

"C'mon then," Lily says, "get to it. Just like the rules say- a kiss, preferably a bit of snogging- on the lips." I look up into Sirius's grey eyes. Like always, they had a little hint of color besides the gray. Most of the time it was green but sometimes it was blue. They were usually grey-green in human form and grey-blue in his Animagus form. Both look stunning for him, of course. Right now I could see the blue color. I glance at his lips, aware of the people watching us. Eight, to be exact. Lily, James, Peter, Frank, Alice, and a few other people from Gryffindor that we're friendly with. I scoot closer to him and swiftly kiss his cheek, pulling away quickly. Even then I can feel the rush on warmth I get from touching him. I resettle and drift off into my own thoughts about how I'm totally not in love with Sirius Orion Black.

"MOONY!" James yells. "That's the fifth time we've had to call your name! Did you hear what we said?"

"Umm, no." James groaned and Sirius smirked a little.

"Do it again-" said one of the Gryffindors. "That didn't count."

"Why not?" Sirius asked dramatically. "Wasn't satisfactory for you people?"

"Basically," Frank replied.

"On the lips," Alice explained. "And for Merlin's sake put a little passion into it!" Sirius scoffed. "Besides, everyone knows you two like each other anyway." I blushed a deeper red, if possible. Sirius leaned into me again but went to my ear instead of my lips.

"Is it ok?" He asked gently, whispering so only I can hear. "If I kiss you? For real? I mean, I suppose we have to. I've- I've always wanted to, you know. You're pretty adorable." I could feel him smile next to me. I nod, unable to speak due to pure shock and confusion. My neck feels cold without his breath lingering on it when he moves away. Before I know it he's pulling on my loose tie that's around my neck. He pulls me into him, crashing our lips together. His are slightly chapped. The rest of the world seems to fall away. Only Sirius and I remain, our bodies still pressed together and lips connected. I think I'm melting. He smells like cologne and Firewhisky and tastes like the latter. I drape my arms around his neck and tangle my hands in his hair. He puts his arms around my waist, pulling me in closer. We move our heads back and forth in unison, his tongue gently sweeping my lips. He gently bites my bottom lip, causing me to jump a little. We eventually pull apart, both panting for breath. He rests his forehead against mine, our breaths mingling in between us. Everyone's silent for a second until James speaks.

"Bloody hell! I didn't even snog my own girlfriend that hard. Merlin, guys." Sirius looks at me, grinning wildly. In one look, he explains and asks everything. I nod. I figure now's a good time to call it. 

"I guess now would be a good time," he begins. I nod again. "To tell you, well, I suppose we're dating now." I nod a third time at him and smile. We've known that we liked each other for a while but until now neither one of us have ever made a move. It's mostly just been a lot of longing looks and flirting, though we've hung out at Hogsmeade a few time together. Everyone congratulates us and the game continues. For the rest of the time, Sirius and I hold hands, happy enough in our own little world. 

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