Valentine's Day Ball

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sry for whoever made the art i cant read the writing but its cute <3

Sirius POV

"James, do you think he would say yes?" I ask frantically. He stops playing with his Snitch.

"Will you stop asking that? I thought we already agreed to this! Pete's going to ask that Hufflepuff girl to the ball, I'm going with Lily, and you're going with Remus!"

"Yeah, yeah," I reply. "I know. I'm just worried that he won't say yes."

"Padfoot, you're the guy all the girls are swooning over. I think Remus will say yes."

"Okay, thanks." He goes back to playing with his Snitch. The Valentine's Day Ball is tomorrow. We're in our sixth year at Hogwarts so we're in the proper age group to go. I still haven't asked Remus. Lily already agreed to go with James and Peter has a date too. Remus has been acting a little weird around me lately. I'm going to ask him tonight, as soon as he gets back from the library.

Remus POV

I enter the Gryffindor common room, still reading my book. Sirius walks up to me and takes the book out of my hand. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Evening, Padfoot."

"Remus, will you go to the ball with me?"

"I- yeah sure." He grins.

"Okay. Okay! Yeah. Thanks- I'll see you later." He gives my book back and hurries up to our dorm, presumably to talk to James. I laugh quietly. This is perfect. I had been hoping that Sirius would ask me for a while. I've liked him for a long time, of course, and this dance could be my best chance with him. I sit down and start reading again, already fantasizing about the dance.

Sirius POV

Remus and I have agreed to get dressed and meet each other in the Great Hall when the dance begins. I'm getting ready with James. Lily, Remus, and Peter are getting reading somewhere else. James is wearing a charcoal suit, red tie, and matching shoes. I'm wearing a cream suit and blue tie.

When we get to the Great Hall, most people are already there. The hall is decked out with tons of little hearts, roses, and cherubs. I see Remus and Lily from across the hall. James gasps beside me. Lily is in a gold dress with loads of sparkles. Even her shoes are golden. Remus is in a simple tux, but it looks stunning on him. James kisses Lily when we meet up. Remus takes my hand.

"You look amazing," he mutters to me.

"You look ten times better," I reply.

By now everyone is here and people are starting to slow dance in the middle of the room. James and Lily dance next to us and Peter and his date are visible in the distance. I thread my fingers through Remus's and put a hand on his waist. He waves his open hand around with a puzzled look.

"On my shoulder," I instruct. He obeys.

"I assume you've done this before?" He asks.

"I've been slow dancing since I was six," I answer. "It's basic etiquette in the Noble House of Black." We begin to twirl around on the dance floor. He rests his head on my shoulder. I gently kiss his forehead.

"You're so cute, you know that?" I say quietly. He laughs and kisses my neck.

Remus POV

Sirius is so beautiful. I swear I'm in love with him. We dance for a long time before we all- Peter, James and Lily, and Sirius and I- headed back to the dorm. Lily and James are cuddling on the couch. I'm sitting on Sirius's lap, his head on my shoulder. Peter is curled up in his favorite armchair. Sirius kisses my neck. I giggle and I can feel him grin against my neck. I guess we're that couple now.

A/N: sry for the sorta short chapter (thats also a lot like the last one)! since im flying somewhere i get extra writing time so hopefully ill be able to write a lot then but no guarantees on updating. thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed xxx

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