How They Found Out

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James POV

I spin my golden snitch between my fingers absentmindedly, daydreaming about Lily. Sirius walks by my bed and drops a book falt on my face. 

"Oi!" I say, throwing the book at Sirius's ass. He dodges it without turning around and sits down on his bed instead. I rub my nose. Remus is in our dorm now too, but he's got his nose in a book. Peter is helping Professor Sprout with some Puffapods. 

"Daydreaming about Evans again?" Sirius teases. 

"Please- I wasn't daydreaming. Merely, thinking about hypothetical situations that involve me and her." He snorts. 

"You should just ask her out, already. Save us all the trouble."

"And risk our tender relationship?" I ask dramatically. Sirius rolls his eyes. "Never! Besides, it's pathetic for someone to just walk up to a girl and confess their love."

"Great," Sirius replies, flopping back on his bunk. "You can have me ask her out for you. Or Moony. They're friends. I bet he knows if she fancies you."

"I suppose," I say. 

"Oi, Moony," Sirius calls across the room.

"Mhm?" Remus says without looking up from his Advanced Transfiguration book. 

"Rem!" Sirius says. Moony looks up from his book, startled. "Do you know if Lily fancies Prongs?"

"I, uh, don't think so." 

"What do you mean she doesn't like me?" I say.

"I think she fancies some Hufflepuff boy a year above us. Sorry mate." Moony looks back down at his book and scribbles something on a piece of parchment. I swing my legs over the side of my twin sized bed.

"Are you fucking serious?" I ask, the anger evident in my voice. Remus looks up once again and stares straight at me. 

"Why yes, yes I am." I glance at Padfoot, who has gone completely red. Moony buries his nose back in the book. I stare at the wall for a second, squinting as if the answer lies there. 

"Ohhhhhhhhh- oh," I say slowly. "I get it." Moony laughs at Sirius, who's hidden behind several pillows. I grin broadly. I always knew those two fancied each other. Good to finally see Sirius being as head-over-heels as I am for Lily. 

Speaking of, I think I'm going to go ask her out. 

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