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A/N: Art by vagueenthusiast (love it) <3 hope you enjoy

Sirius POV

"Rem, breathe," I coo, my arm draped around his shaking shoulders. "It'll be ok." The smaller boy swallowed and wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans.

"We- we should get going," he stuttered, obviously trying not to let his fear show. Remus's transformations were getting worse by the month. Last time he was in the hospital for a week. I give Remus another squeeze and stand up.

"Peter," I say, "let's go. James, grab the Invisibility Cloak. Hurry." Peter turns into Wormtail and James, Remus, and I throw the cloak over ourselves. We sprint down the stairs and sneak out the front doors. I turn into my dog Animagus form and run with Wormtail to the Whomping Willow; James and Remus on our heels. Peter pushes the knot and the thrashing tree freezes. We all slip down the hole between the thick roots and into the Shrieking Shack. Peter and I turn back into humans and I rush to Remus's side. Peter and James sit down on the old rickety bed, watching us. I put my arms around Remus as he slumps against the wall, breathing hard. He grips my hand with his knuckles white. I swallow. The moon is almost at its peak height and fullness.

Remus starts to sweat and breath faster. He was transforming right before my eyes.

"Sirius," he said, his eyes filled with terror and sadness. His voice was already starting to sound like a growl.

"It's ok, Rem, it's ok. It'll be over soon, I'm here. Remember yourself, baby." Despite the situation, I smile a tiny, desperate smile. My words don't sound my own. I've had a crush on him since the first year and Lily reckons he likes me too but I've never called him any pet names besides nicknames. It's usually something like Moony, Moons, Remus, or Rem. It's normal. It's platonic. There's nothing between us, even though I wish there was. My mind snaps back to the present.

I transform back into Padfoot and sit down next to him. Peter and James turn into their Animagus forms as well. Remus's limbs grew longer and thick brown fur grew rapidly over his fair skin. His cute face grew long and his teeth got shinier. He slowly turns to face us in his full werewolf form. His silver claws gleamed in the moonlight. He was panting and drooling. My heart absolutely broke. Seeing the boy I've grown to love huddled in a corner, growling and biting himself. His teeth sank repeatably into his arms; his long claws slashed his skin, spilling blood on the already stained floor. I totally forgot that James and Peter were there. James pushed the dusty door closed with his antlers and walked over to me.

Remus was still howling. He was now scratching at the wall instead of himself, tearing the dusty, floral wallpaper from the frame of the shack. Terror was painted on the wolf's face and for a second I saw a flash of Remus. I couldn't take it anymore. He looked so scared and miserable. I bark loudly and run around the wolf's heels, trying to distract him from himself. James and Peter joined me in distracting him. We run around the shack, occupying Remus in any way we can. I know that I won't stay unhurt tonight. Remus always hurts himself when he transforms, and most of the time he accidentally hurts us too. He apologizes every time and always says that we shouldn't come with him. Every time we always say that there's no place we'd rather be when he's transforming.

Tonight, I don't care about myself. I only care about the bleeding, howling wolf in front of me. Nothing else matters. Nothing else has ever mattered.

Remus POV

I woke up from a disturbed sleep in the hospital wing. I roll over a little and wince. My whole body aches. Sirius was in a bed next to me, the morning sun being thrown playfully across his golden skin. His black hair was splayed out on his pillow behind his head. His lips and cheeks are a gentle pink. He looks peaceful, not to mention adorable. I smile weakly and imagine kissing his lips, running my hands through his hair. 

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