Coffee Shop AUs

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A/N: i was kinda feeling this song while writing this, hope you enjoy <3

Remus POV

I look up when the cafe doorbell jingles. Oh, Merlin. It's him- Sirius. I've worked at this coffee shop for nearly a year, and he's been coming here and ordering the same thing every day since I started working here. However, three months ago he stopped coming here. 

I refuse to admit that I missed seeing him. He was just another customer. I didn't even serve him every day. But when he came in after three months of absence, I couldn't help but smile. 

He sashayed up to the counter, flipping his long black hair out of his face. I rushed to meet him at the counter, handing my half-made coffee off to a very confused colleague. 

"I- um, oh! Good m-morning, uh- yeah." I stutter, trying not to blush or pick at my nails too much. 

"Hey, sup'?" I still remember his voice.

"I-" my eyes are locked on his. He smirks. 

"I'll have a-"

"Decaf Chai tea latte with sugar." He raises an eyebrow but smiles. "Sorry-" I say frantically, trying to hide my blushing face. "It's just that  you've come here so often..." I'm sure I'm talking way to fast for human comprehension. How can this guy do this to me? I suppose it's because he's so hot... his voice interrupts my thoughts. 

"I haven't been back at this coffee shop in over three months." 

"I- um," I look down, ignoring the growing line behind him. He laughed, his grey eyes showing genuine joy.

"No, don't get me wrong, I think it's cute that you remembered that. And yeah, I'll order that, thanks." I nod mutely. I move to make his drink, his eyes follow me. Naturally, I spill just about every ingredient I come in contact with. I see him smiling out of the corner of my eye. 

When I approach him with his drink, he takes a piece of paper out of his pocket. I hand him the steaming cup, our hands brushing. He gives me the paper. Up close, I can see that it's a perfectly folded paper crane. Not the type of thing that you would imagine getting from some hot dude with piercings, a leather jacket, ripped skinny jeans, and a Harley out front. I smile, taking it gently in my hands. Before I can say anything, he tucks one of my golden curls behind my ear and briskly leaves the cafe.

Long after closing hours, I sit in the window of the coffee shop. The janitor is still cleaning the kitchen, so I'm allowed to be here. I gingerly open the paper crane for what must be the hundredth time, the creases now worn from constant folding and unfolding. 

On the note, there was a phone number with each number written perfectly, as if he had spent ten minutes drawing each one. I had already contacted the number. It was his, obviously. We talked for hours after my shift ended and arranged a date next week. 

I smile despite my cheeks hurting because of it. The only way I can describe the feeling of him is that feeling you get when you listen to a song for the first time. Not just that though; when you listen and know it's going to be your favorite.

A/N: hope u enjoyed! thx for reading and 1K views is literally insane thx so so much xxx 

*i had to look up like twenty different suspicious weird corny things to try to find a decent way to end this cuz its two in the morning and i have school tmro... dont judge me (ps sry the ending STILL turned to be cheesy)

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