S.B. + R.L.

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Sirius POV

At two in the morning I stumble into our dorm and collapse onto my bed, a little drunk from a Gryffindor party downstairs. Exams are finally over and all the houses are partying. Peter is sitting on his bed reading and James is down in the common room, probably trying to get the attention of Evans. As usual.

"Sup' Pete," my words come out muffled against my mattress.

"Hey, Padfoot," he says without looking up from his book.

"Where's Rem?"

"Shower, I think," He replies. I mumble incoherently again.

I roll over onto my back. Peter gets up and grabs another book.

"I'm going to go to the library, Madame Prince says I have to return this by midnight. I'll be back later."

"Mmmmkay, Pete." He takes his books and leaves the dorm. I close my eyes.

A little while later the sound of an opening door makes me open my eyes again.

"Oh hey, Siri," Remus said. "Did Peter leave?"

"Library," I mumble, sitting up. Remus is wearing jeans and a knit sweater. The arms are just a little too long so they make sweater paws, of course. His hair is wet and messy. I smile.

"You look so cute, Rem," I say, a little dreamily. He looks up and grins, his cheeks bright red. "Hold on- did I say that out loud??" I ask, realizing my mistake. Thankfully, he just laughs and looks away.

"Um, yeah, Siri,"

"Shit- forget that." I stare at the foot of my bed until he sits down next to me.

"Sirius...?" he asks, suddenly very interested in my bookcase.


"What's that?" He points to my bedside cabinet where I scratched something into the wood. I quickly move my pillow to hide it.

"It's nothing, it's something dumb from our third year," I say nervously.

"Did it say what I thought it said?" How can he speak so casually? He saw, of course he did. I tell myself not to panic but do anyway.

"Well," I say quickly. "I don't know, but whatever you thought was probably not right at all, I mean-"

"S.B. plus R.L with a heart?"

"N- No..." I try to sound convincing but it doesn't work very well.

"Sirius it's fine," says Remus, taking my hand. A spark of electricity shoots up through my arm.

"You're not mad? Of weirded out?"

"Siri, of course, I'm not mad, how could I ever be mad?"

"I'm used to people hating me for anything I do." He gently takes my head in his hands and kisses my forehead softly.

"I know. They don't matter, Siri, you're safe, I promise, you're okay."

"They sent me a letter, Rem. They've disowned me. It's official now. They burnt me off the family tree. I have nowhere to go. They hate me and I'm not their son anymore." I start to cry. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. I end up soaking his sweater, but he says he doesn't care. "They hate me, Rem," I sob, gasping for breath after forty minutes of crying. I never knew that I could cry for so long and still have water left in my body.

"You know you won't be alone. You know the Potters will take you in. They treat you like their own son as it is. You'll be fine, and you always have us. We'll never abandon you, Pads." His words make me break down into sobs again. He gently plays with my hair and strokes my head until I can breathe normally again.

"Have you eaten, Siri?" I shake my head. "Well, then I'm going to go get some food from the kitchens. Do you wanna stay here?" He asks softly. I nod feebly. "Okay baby, I'm gonna go down and get some food for us. Are you gonna be okay here?" I nod again. He wipes away my remaining tears and kisses my forehead again.

"Thank you, Rem," I say, finally meeting his gaze. I love the way a smile always plays across his face when he's happy and a little shy at the same time.

I squeeze his hand and he squeezes it back, standing up. He twirls me around and kisses me again.

"See you soon, honey,"


I little later, I come out of a haze of my own thoughts. Remus is next to me on a couch, our hands and feet twisted together. My head is on his shoulder and he's twirling my hair in his fingers. With Remus, it doesn't matter that I don't have a family anymore. I have family here, with my friends. He's right. They'll never leave me. I smile, thinking of how lucky I am. Remus, too. Even though we've gone through pain and tears, we'll always have each other.

We spend the rest of the night eating and cuddling, everyone else blissfully unaware of the scratches on the side of my bedside table that changed everything.

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