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A/N: Art by DragonSpirit469 and it's gorgeous. Hope you enjoy!

Sirius POV

I walk into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, my tie slung over my shoulder. I sit down next to Remus and try to act normal. He looks up from his book and smiles at me. The smile that I'll never get tired of seeing. James and Peter sit behind us, James ranting about his latest Quidditch win.

When the teacher called our attention, Remus closed his book and looked up, the light catching in his beautiful eyes.

"Mr. Black, if you could take a break from your view of the window, I would appreciate it if you could listen." Most of the class turned to me, even Remus. Thank Merlin the teacher didn't know what- who- I was actually looking at. I feel heat rise in my cheeks. The teacher continues to ramble, and I continue to space out, stealing glances at Remus. I don't hear anything the teacher says until Remus tugs my arm. I stop drawing hearts on my parchment. I did it without ink so that no one would see, but I can still see the vague outlines of them on the paper.

"Yeah Rem?" I whisper.

"Did you hear him?" He whispers frantically, brushing his hair out of his eyes. Most of the class is on their feet moving desks around.

"Um, no," I blush. It feels like I'm letting him down.

"Patronuses!" He says. I do a double take.

"Really? Ha! No problem."

"Yeah, C'mon," he grabs my hand and pulls me up. I try to ignore the feeling of his hand in mine. We help move the desks around, making room for us to all stand in a circle at the front of the room.

I move a little closer to Remus. My heart starts beating faster. I take a leap of faith. I entwine my fingers through his again, blushing. The teacher explains how to produce a Patronus. I stand in a clump with Remus, Peter, and James, smirking to them occasionally. When the teacher asks for volunteers, we all raise our hands.

"Mr. Pettigrew, why don't you go first?" Peter steps forward into the circle and recited the incantation. A silvery rat scurries out of his wand and around his ankles, where it disappears after a minute.

"Very good Mr. Pettigrew! Mr. Potter, why don't you go next?" James steps forward and produces his stag Patronus. It gallops around him and rears on its hind legs, then disappears.

"Wonderful, wonderful! Mr. Lupin, how about you try?" I give Remus's hand a little squeeze and drop it. We all pat him on the back as he steps forward.

Remus POV

I enter the inner circle with my classmates surrounding me. My hand is still tingling from when Sirius took it.

"Expecto Patronum!" Strings of silver erupt from the tip of my wand. They swirl in the air for a second before tangling together. They took a new form than usual- a large black dog. I swallow as a blush creeps up in my face. It runs around me, then disappears like the ones before it. I turn around to look at Sirius. His face is as red as mine, but the class and teacher didn't notice anything odd. Peter and James look like they just saw a ghost. None of our Patronuses have ever changed before. I scurry back to my friends, looking down at the floor.

"Mr. Black? Want to try the Patronus charm?"

"Oh, yeah, sure," Sirius looks away from me and steps out in front of the class.

"Expecto Patronum!" The same thing that happened with my Patronus happens with his. The silver strands hang in the air before they materialize.

When the strands form, the animal frolics around Sirius before slowing down. 

"OH MY GOD, PADFOOT!" James yells. He turns around to face me as it winds around his ankles. It sits down to look at me, its silver fur gleaming.

A wolf. Tiny tears sting my eyes. Sirius looks at me with a mix of love and fear. Peter and James are gaping. The class and teacher are blissfully unaware of what this means.

I choke a little when I see Sirius's grey eyes filled with tears as well. I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him for the first time. Lily, James, and Peter all cheer. I bury my face in his hair.


"I know, Rem, I know." He grabs my hand again. His Patronus disappears as we walk back to our spot in the circle. 

The class is silent for a moment, but eventually, the teacher asks for other volunteers. Most people in the class can only manage to produce a few strands of silver.

For the rest of the lesson, Sirius rests his head on my shoulder while he has his arm around me.

"I love you, Padfoot," I mumble into his hair.

"I love you too, Moony," Most of our class was really happy when I kissed Sirius. Some were just plain confused. For the rest of the class, Sirius and I can't stop smiling.

Nothing can bring me down. Everything is totally, completely, perfect. The next Patronus I produce might just use this memory.

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