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A/N: hi im kinda out of the proper state of mind so if this doesnt make much sense or isnt good dont blame me cuz my mental health is really messed up rn have a good day hope u enjoy xx :)

Sirius POV

James's footsteps pounded down the stone hallway next to me as we ran to our class, already late. I groaned when we reached the classroom. Potions with Slughorn. 

Prongs and I had taken just a little time out of our busy school schedules to practice our Charms for Flitwick. On the Slytherins. But after they cursed the Gryffindor's brooms for Quidditch practice, they were asking for their dorm room door to be locked (unbreakable with spells) and booby-trapped. I mean c'mon.  

Another downside to being late. Peter will be fine, but Moony will probably be pissed. 

We enter the classroom as discreetly as we can and slip into our seats. Mine is next to Remus and James is next to Peter in front of us. 

"Mr. Black and Mr. Potter," Slughorn said, an edge to his voice. "How nice of you to join us. I'm not even going to bother asking if you have a tardy note because I know you do not. Anyway, today we will be brewing Amortentia with your partners. Could either of you tell me what this specific potion is?" 

"It smells like a specific smell that someone is attracted to," I speak up. The man nods in approval and turns back around to continue writing instructions.

I turned to Rem and held my hand up in the celebration that we would be working together. He ignored me. 

"Moony, what did I do?" I whisper to him. I know what I did, but he always got pissed off when we were late because of pranks.

"You know it irks me when you're late to classes because of this nonsense, Sirius, stop being naïve. Now just help me with the potion and do exactly what I say. It's the least you could do." He doesn't make eye contact. It hurts, but I don't push it. 

Remus POV

Yeah, I was mad at Sirius. And yeah, I was sorta being obnoxious about it- but I'm tired of his and James's BS. We got through most of the potion without speaking. When we're at the last stage, Professor Slughorn calls our attention.

I watch Sirius fiddle with a Galleon out of the corner of my eye. After five years of being his best friend, I can tell when he's nervous. 

I add the last ingredient into our potion and wipe my hands on my robe. Sirius is clearly uncomfortable. I try to focus on cleaning our station, but the overwhelming stench of wet dog fills my nostrils. 

"Sirius, next time since you clearly have so much downtime between classes, take a bath so you don't smell like a wet dog all the time!"

"Rem," Sirius says, his tone a little chilly. "That isn't me. I bathed last night and I haven't turned into Padfoot for at least three days." 

"Hmm." I say, avoiding eye contact. 

"While you're at it, mate," Sirius says, clearly getting mad, "Move your miniature library away from me. It smells like mothballs." 

I turn to face him, realizing something.

"What else do you smell from this potion?" I ask. Sirius shifts so he can smell the brewing liquid.

"Cinnamon, and a campfire. What can you smell?"

"Aside from wet dog- cologne and motor oil." Now he seems to realize it too. Everything adds up. The smell of books, cinnamon, and fires in the dorm rooms. For me: wet dog, motor oil s for a motorcycle, and cologne. Sirius's cologne. 

He looks at me, his eyes wide. I feign surprise, then snort with laughter. He soon joins me. 

James and Peter don't need to know about this. 

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