How The Found Out pt. 2

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*this'll be short and it's an AU where they have cell phones so just use ur imagination okay and I wore it on my phone while playing chess with someone so sorry iif there are typos also art credit to alek.dar*

James POV

"And then she said to me: 'what a great game, James, you were really awesome out there'!" I say, gesturing wildly. Next to me, Remus shielded his eyes fro the sun to see me. Peter was running slightly to catch up with us.
The summer air smelled like daisies which reminded me of Lily. She braided them into her hair one day.
Sirius wasn't here because he was stuck with Mcgonagall for detention. He transfigured a slytherins sandwich into a ugly toad. although she was obviously impressed she made him stay in cleaning chalkboards while everyone else was on break in betweeen classes.
Remus peter and I were trying to find a suitable spot on the lawn to plot our nesct prank on yeh slytherins.
"That sounds lovely, prongs," remus says yo me, his tone uninterested. I roll my eyes. This was legendary. I'm planning to ask her out tomorrow.

When we finally find a spot that's not taken by obnoxious slytherins or hufflempuffs making daisy chains, we sit down. naturally Remus pulse out a quill and parchment. I keep talking about my plan to ask lily out but soon peter gets bored and starts reading on of Remus's books about herbogy.
Annoyed, I quickly stop talking and scowl at Remus. He doesn't notiec.
Suddenly, his phone starts ringing in his back pocket. Peter looks up from a diagram of a devils snare. Remus grabs the phone and I lean to look at the contact.
"You still call you dad 'daddy'?" I ask.
Remus looks up, his expression deadpan. Still looking at me he presses accept on bis phone.

"Hi Sirius," he says I to the phone. My moith falls open andpetee is smiling widely.

Looks like lily and I rnt the onlyi ones w chemisty.

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