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Warning: this is long so have fun w that

Remus POV

I sit down at the Gryffindor table next to my boyfriend, Sirius. I settle in with my book on Transfiguring objects and pick up a piece of toast, nibbling absentmindedly. I try to tune out the sound of the whole school around me, but it doesn't work very well. I scowl. I look up when a group of five or six giggling Ravenclaw girls come over to our table, stopping beside Sirius.

"Sirius?" One of the girls asks. Her shoulder-length blonde hair is bobbing around her head. Her voice sounds like someone letting air out of a balloon.

"Uh, yeah?" Sirius answers, turning around to face them. Several of them start giggling again. I roll my eyes.

"Would- would you be interested in going to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?" she squeaks. Sirius smiles.

"Sure," Sirius said casually. "Do you wanna meet at the Three Broomsticks at 2 o'clock?" She giggles again. Merlin. It takes an effort for me to stop glaring at them.

"Sure! See you then!" She squeals. She and her friends run back to their house table, giggling and talking the whole way. I turn to Sirius, the scowl coming back to my face. Of course, he acts as if accepting an invitation to a date while sitting next to your boyfriend is no big deal.

"What the bloody hell was that?" I nearly shout. He laughs, his casual air not leaving him whatsoever.

"Rem, calm down."


"Listen, Moony, don't worry okay? It's a platonic thing," he says, taking another spoonful of pudding.

"You think that was a platonic invitation? For a date?" I'm shouting now. I'm tired of Sirius flirting with people right in front of my eyes and pretending that it's not a big deal.

"Moony, you know that you're the only person I like, just chill out," he says, paying more attention to his food than to me. I can't take this anymore. I slam my book down on the table, disrupting a towering stack of apples, and run from the hall.

I run straight to the Room of Requirement and stand in front of the blank wall. I need a cozy, private place, I think. When I open my eyes a door has materialized in front of my eyes. I push open the wood door and walk into a small room. Much smaller than usual compared to the vastness of the other rooms the R.O.R. has made. I look around and see a wall of books, cup of tea on a table, a fireplace, and an oversized armchair with countless pillows and blankets piled on top.

"Incendio," I mutter to the fireplace. Flames immediately start to crackle merrily in the hearth. I sit down in the armchair and bury myself in blankets. I put my face in my hands, hot tears running down my face. It's hard enough to have Sirius flirt with every person he sees, but the full moon is in two days. Remembering this makes only makes me cry harder. No one can help me at this point. I'm absolutely hopeless.

Sirius POV

I sprint to the first place that comes to my mind. The place that Remus would go. I stand outside the Room of Requirement, panting for breath. I immediately think: I need to find Remus- I need to find Remus- I, please, I need to find Remus. I open my eyes to find a door in front of me.

"Yes!" I shout to the empty corridor. I slowly open the door and peek inside. The room is quite small, but cozy, and Remus isn't hard to find. He's curled up in an armchair, crying.

"Rem..." I say softly. It breaks my heart to see his reaction. He jumps a foot and seems to retreat farther into his chair.

"Go away, Sirius," he breathed, tears shining in his eyes. His hair is scruffy and he looks ten times smaller than he actually is. Memories of his worst transformations come flooding back to me. He would claw at his skin and draw his own blood, or sometimes just cower in a corner and howl.

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