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Sirius POV

Walking through the courtyard, I try to find one of my friends. I notice some second years, and there are a group of girls giggling in a corner. I walk by them and they all burst into more giggles and whispers. Remus and Peter say that some girls would do anything to get me to ask them out. I ignore them and walk over to the one person who I actually have a crush on: Remus Lupin.

Even though I can't like him. He's my best friend. I've had a crush on him since the first year. I know he would never like me- that's why no one can know. I think James has caught on though...

"Hey, Padfoot!" Remus's voice brings me back to reality.

"Oh, uh, hi M- Moons," I say. Why can't I talk normally around him? He's sitting underneath a tree, parchment, quills, and open books strewn all around him. Today was a beautiful day- the sky was blue and the sun was bright- but I was paying attention to something else that was gorgeous. I sit down next to Remus, pulling open my bag.

"What about that potions essay?" I ask, opening a new bottle of ink. "15 inches! Slughorn's crazy." He laughs and looks up at me with his amber eyes. God, I love him.

"Not as crazy as you," He replies, looking back down at his book. I blush. He's not wrong. I scoot a little closer to him.

"Um, Moony?" I ask, picking at a scratch on the back of my hand. He pushes my hand away.

"Don't scratch it, it'll only make it worse. I should know. And yeah?" My heart jumps to my throat.

"I, uh- what?" He laughs and goes back to reading. I look around, trying to remember what I was going to say. Thankfully, overhearing someone talking about the answer makes me remember.

"The next Hogsmeade trip, it's in two days, um, I don't know, but I thought maybe we could go do something together? Like a date? Maybe?" I tried not to fumble with my words too much. His face lit up and a slight blush crept into his cheeks.

"Sure!" I grin and pull out some parchment, using my overdue Transfiguration homework as an excuse to look away before he makes me melt.

Remus POV

I can't believe it, I actually can't believe it. I don't expect it to be super romantic- I mean it's Sirius. Besides, we're just friends. Obviously. I can't help but be excited about it though. A date! Lily and I have been planning what I should wear. She and James are going together too.

Everyone is leaving in an hour for the village. Lily and I are in my dorm getting ready, unaware of where Sirius and James snuck off to.

"Rem, should I wear blue or purple earrings?"

"Well, purple would look stunning with your hair and eyes, but James likes blue... I would say purple. Anything looks pretty on you."

"Okay, thanks," she says, turning to a mirror. She has on a knee-length plaid skirt with a white blouse and little gold chain around her neck.

"Do you think Sirius will like this?" I turn around to face her, looking at myself from different angles.

"Of course he will, Rem, why wouldn't he?" she says, smiling. I nod.

"Crap- we're leaving in ten minutes, c'mon," She grabs her purse and we sprint down to the courtyard where Filch is checking people's forms. We join the queue. Lily looks perfectly relaxed but my hands are shaking and I shiver a tiny bit, despite the warm fall weather. In less than half an hour I'll be on a date. With Sirius Orion Black.

Sirius POV

I stand at the entrance of Hogsmeade with James, bouncing excitedly next to me. I keep my eyes open for the adorable face of Remus Lupin. Remus with his light golden, curly hair and amber eyes. Remus with all of his books and schoolwork. Remus with his oversized jumpers, sweater paws, and worn out converse. Remus with his adorable smile and little blush. Remus who's lanky, skinny, and tall- just taller than me so that it drives me crazy. Hopefully, by the end of today, we might be dating. James gives a little squeak next to me and points at some spot in the crowd of students. There, walking and laughing are Remus and Lily. Remus is wearing jeans and a jumper with a beanie and converse. I'm just wearing jeans and a leather jacket, and start to feel nervous. How can someone be so adorable? They approach us, James puts an arm around Lily. Remus just stares at the ground, obviously blushing. We agree to meet at Honeydukes in an hour. We part ways, Remus and I going to The Three Broomsticks first. We grab two butterbeers and sit down at a table.

"So Moons," I say, subconsciously drawing hearts in the condensation of my butterbeer bottle. "Decided to take a break from studying?" He blushes. I want to kiss him so, so badly.

"Well I still have to do some studying for my Charms exam, but it's always nice to visit Hogsmeade."

We fall into easy conversation. Even Remus seems to relax. He looks so cute right now, I wish we could stay like this forever.

Remus POV

I thought it would be awkward, being on a real date with Sirius. I always thought that someone like him could never even like a monster like me. Surprisingly, talking to him is really easy and natural. It even seems somewhat possible that he could like me! We talk for over an hour- so that we have to run to Honeydukes to meet Lily and James.

"Finally," James says. "We've been waiting for fifteen minutes."

"Sorry, sorry," I say, panting a little. Looking up I see James raising his eyebrows and smiling at Sirius. Lily is trying not to grin.

"What?" I ask. I feel a little squeeze on my hand. Sirius's fingers are entwined through mine. "Oh," I say, trying to sound casual. "I didn't notice."

"You didn't notice that Sirius was holding your hand Moony? Wow, I think that's a first!" James says. I blush.

We spend the rest of the day walking around the village with Lily and James, occasionally stopping to buy Dungbombs or Spell- Check Quills.

As for Sirius, I'm officially head-over-heels in love with him. I know I shouldn't get ahead of myself- it's only been the first date. Besides, he never said it would be a romantic date. Lily thinks I'm crazy for not thinking that he likes me. I hope he does, but I'm not willing to let my heart get broken if he goes for some hot girl. Not today, Satan, not today.

Sirius POV

I get back to the dorm and flop on my bed. James does the same. Lily, Peter, and Remus are down in the common room studying, of course.

"James, I think this is what it feels like to be in love."

"Tell me about it," James replies dreamily. 

A/N: I don't know who did the art at the top... :^

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