Anyone Can Flirt

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Remus POV

I don't know why I bother coming to these ridiculous parties. The only reason I care about Quidditch is that Sirius and James play. Not to mention that Sirius always looks super hot when he plays. But that's irrelevant.

Point is that Peter and I can't escape the constant presence of the game in Marauder conversations.

So I'm standing alone against a wall in the Gryffindor common room, surrounded by a bunch of horny teenagers drunk on smuggled Firewhisky. I find it just like normal teen house parties, but add people shooting multicolored fireworks out of their wands. Gryffindor won their match against Slytherin, and although it wasn't a specifically great match, I suppose any victory over our rival house is worth celebrating. 

I look up just in time to catch Sirius as he trips towards me. He's carrying a bottle of Firewhisky in one hand and has his tie slung around his neck. I roll my eyes as he leans against the wall for support. 

"Hiya, Moony, whatcha doin'?" he asks in a slightly slurred tone. 

"Regretting my life choices," I reply matter-of-factly. I've been planning my subtle escape for ten minutes now, but with Sirius here I don't think I could sneak out without detection. 

"You look pretty," he says, leaning his head on my shoulder. I always make fun of him for being so much shorter than me. 

"You're drunk, Si. Get a hold of yourself." I feel him yawn. He ignores me.

"Why don't you have a girlfriend?" Sirius asks, looking up at me. 

"I can't flirt, you know this." It's true. 

"Anyone can flirt, you just need a little practice," Sirius mumbles, his eyes closed. I chuckle. 

"Sure," I say dismissively. Sirius lifts his head from my shoulder and shoved his Firewhisky into the hand of a very confused looking First Year. 

He puts his hand above my shoulder against the wall and tilts my head towards him. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. He's so close to me that I can feel his breath on my face. I back up flat against the wall and look nervously into his dark eyes. He's always had gorgeous eyes. 

He looks at me with such intensity it scares me. Our lips are not even an inch apart. He moves his hand to trace my jaw. 

"You just have to get into it a little," he says before connecting our lips. His move perfectly against mine. It's short but worth it. When he pulls away after a second, he smiles. My cheeks are warm and bright red, I'm sure.

"You try," he says.

"Oh challenge accepted, Mr. Black," I reply. This should be easy. 

I hook my arm around his neck and push him against the wall. I can tell that he's already flustered at my boldness. With my other hand, I loop my fingers through his belt loops and pull him into me. I lower my head so that our lips brush, but don't connect. He's holding his breath. 

I trace patterns on his neck with my first finger. 

"This how you do it, baby?" He swallows and nods stupidly. It looks like he can't decide whether to stare at my lips or into my eyes. 

I pull away from him and lean against the wall next to him, my hands in my pockets. He slumps against the wall. He's breathing heavily. 

"Holy shit," I hear him mumble quietly, running a hand through his hair. 

I smile to myself. Good to know I can always get Hogwart's most desired boy flustered. 

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