The Marauders (based off fanart)

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The clock chimed three in the morning. The four Marauders sat in the Gryffindor common room on the couch, which was just a little too small for all of them. The embers of fire sat in the hearth, still glowing feebly.

James Potter was sitting on the end, his black hair wild and eyes closed. He wore jeans and an AC-DC shirt, muggle cigarette in hand. Peter Pettigrew was napping next to him, head against Remus's. He wore a green shirt and grey pants, his blond hair and rosy cheeks prominent.

Remus Lupin was sleepily playing with the wrapper of a chocolate bar next to him. His golden hair was fluffed up, just the way that he knew Sirius liked. His amber eyes fluttered closed, his hands growing still. He wore jeans and a blue sweater, which, according to Padfoot, made his scars look even more beautiful. Sirius had his arm around Moony's shoulders, eyes closed, a tiny smirk on his face. His strong arms and many tattoos were obvious thanks to the white tank top he wore. He had a tattoo on his forearm that changed with the current moon cycle; now it showed a silver crescent.

His defined cheekbones looked as though they had been brushed with a light pink. He opened his grey eyes and looked at his boyfriend, asleep on his shoulder. Sirius's long, messy black hair tickled Remus's face gently. He softly sighed and drifted off to sleep like the rest of his friends

All was well.

A/N: Hey! Sorry for the short chapter, I was bored and just decided to write up a little scene. This is actually based off (I added a few things) some art that I saw online and I think it's the prettiest thing (by upthehillart). That's all, hope you enjoyed!

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