What's Not to Love: Sirius

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A/N: im honestly rly lazy and rly tired so u know what here enjoy xxx

*lists of things they love about each other*

Sirius (about Remus)

Golden eyes

Sandy brown hair and perfect curls

Oversized sweaters

Skinny blue jeans


Little smiles

How goddamn smart he is

His dimple

How long his eyelashes are

How he pretends to be innocent but totally isn't

How he's afraid of heights

How strong he is every month

How selfless he always is and how he would sacrifice anything for his friends

His hands and nails

How he's funny, but subtly funny

How he can always tell when someone is upset, and always gives them chocolate to help them out

How much the teachers all love him, and how he likes to deny it

That he's taller than me, although I pretend to hate it

How soft his lips and skin are

How much he loves all his friends

How he's insecure and doesn't always believe me when I tell him I love him, but is willing to accept and believe it in the end

How brilliant he is at magic

How he is so loving, trusting and trustworthy, caring and compassionate, alert and smart, and always open

and how he loves me back.

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