Slow Dancing

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art by upthehillart ^^ <3

Sirius POV

"James, I'm going upstairs." I stand up, stretching. When I'm on the stairs I turn around, looking at Lily, James, and Peter one more time. Pete's curled up in an armchair, reading. Lily and James are on the couch, Lily's legs across James's lap, her hair curled around his finger. They nuzzle their noses together and giggle. I cringe. Remus and I may cuddle and kiss in public but at least we don't do THAT. I climb the stairs and enter my dorm, hoping that Remus isn't at the library tonight. I'm in luck. He's sitting on my bed and jumps when I enter.

"Sorry-" I say, "didn't mean to scare you." He smiles and straightens up. I sit down on my bed and wrap my arms around him from behind. "Why are you on MY bed?"

"I- I like it better than my bed- yours is softer and warmer and it reminds me of you when you're not here. And the pillows smell like you. Like dog, I should say." I grin and kiss his neck, making him blush. I stand up, making him huff a little. I hold out my hands.

"Come dance with me," I say. He takes my hands and stands up too.

"Okay but I'm terrible at dancing. Like, TERRIBLE."

"It's okay, I'll teach you. I've known how to do it for all my family's fancy parties since I was six." I put my hand on his waist and thread my fingers through his other hand. "Put your hand on my shoulder." He does as I say. Slowly, making sure he's always comfortable, we start to slow dance to music I bewitched a pair of Jame's shoes to play.

"See?" I ask. "Not that hard." He blushes and puts his head on my shoulder. I pull him closer and breath in his scent. He steps on my trainers and apologizes, but I don't mind. We dance for a long time until the spell on Jame's shoes wears off. When it does, the room falls silent again, spare our soft breathing. We sit down on his bed again, facing each other. He grins like a maniac, making me laugh.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, you just look so beautiful." I smile and press my lips to his. He kisses back, running his tongue along my teeth. I moan into him. He puts his hands on my shoulders and pushes me backward onto my bed. He pulls away from me, wrapping his arms around my waist. Nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck, he looks up at me and smirks.

"So gorgeous," I say quietly, looking down into his amber eyes. "All mine." He grins again. I take his face in my hands, pulling him to me and connecting our lips again.

"I love you," he mumbles, burying his head in my chest again.

"I love you too," I say, kissing the top of his head.

James POV

Lily stirs in my arms and moves to look up at me. The clock reads 12:47 am.

"James," she whispers. "I'm going to go up to my dorm. I have an exam tomorrow. I'll see you at breakfast." Despite me not wanting her to go I let her, kissing her gently on the lips before she disappears into her dorm. I stand and stretch. Peter has fallen asleep in his armchair and I decide not to wake him. I go up to our dorm, yawning as I open the door. Sirius is asleep in his bed, Remus's arms around his waist and head on his chest. I notice hickeys all over his neck. Merlin, these two. I think they forget that we share this dorm. Normally I would wake them up by hexing their feet together but I'm not feeling it right now. I crawl into bed without getting undressed, soon drifting off into a dreamless sleep. Everything is perfect.

A/N: hey ik this is short and ive ended like three other one shots like that but i got lazy so ur welcome! sry for not posting in a little while! thx for reading, more to come xx

EDIT: holy crap we're past 500 views thx a million times xx <3 <3

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