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A/N: Art by wizardnem ^^

mild tw of domestic child abuse (stay safe and take care of ur beautiful mind 💕)

Remus POV

I walk down the corridor to Transfiguration, reading a book about Muggle Studies. It's quite interesting, actually. Sirius and James are next to me, plotting their next prank. Peter is on the other side of James, fiddling nervously with his wand. I've been recruited by McGonagall to tutor Peter while we're Transfiguring animals into objects. Last time we practiced he only managed to turn a feather duster into an egg, not a canary, but he's coming along decently well. We pass a group of Slytherins. One purposely walks into my shoulder so I drop my books.

"Hey-" says the Slytherin. "Do those stupid scars on your face stop you from seeing where you're going? Filthy half-blood." Peter scurries over to help me gather my books. James didn't hear what the kid said and keeps walking before realizing that he was alone. It's only now that I realized how amazing Sirius's reflexes are; he immediately whips out his wand and points it at the Slytherin's heart, pinning him to the wall.

"I dare you to say that again," he growls, his hands shaking with fury. The Slytherin looks terrified. My face is burning. What feels like half the school has stopped to watch. I look frantically around, praying that no teacher gets wind of this.

Once I have all my books, I hurry over to Sirius.

"Pads, don't do this. Please, you'll get in trouble," I plead. He rounds on me, his pretty grey eyes filled with rage.

"You think I care?" He roars. "I don't. I don't care if they put me in detention for a month. I don't care if they expel me. I don't care if they throw me in Azkaban for the rest of time! No one makes fun of you. No one."

"Siri, please, please. Be sensible, it's not worth it. Please. I'm fine, look. I'm totally fine. Be reasonable, please Sirius." He slowly lowers his wand, his hands still shaking and eyes brimmed with tears. He continued to stare at the Slytherin.

"Say anything like that ever again, and I'll make sure you never see the light of day again. Understand?"

The Slytherin takes one look at Sirius and runs away with his friends. I keep my eyes pinned to the floor as people start moving through the corridor again. We're late to Transfiguration.

"Boys," says McGonagall as everyone if finding their seats. "I hope you have a good explanation for being tardy."

"Professor," Sirius says quickly. "Someone insulted Remus, he called him a 'filthy half-blood' and made fun of his scars- I couldn't just let him say that."

"What did you do Mr. Black? I trust you will be truthful?" McGonagall's glare would make anyone be truthful.

"I just, I just sort of threatened him, I didn't actually curse him."

"Detention, Mr. Black-" says McGonagall. "Although you didn't harm this boy and you were right in standing up for your friend, you should know better than to let your temper get the best of you. Was anyone else involved?" Sirius shakes his head. "Very well, one week, starting tonight. Eight o'clock precisely, my office. Take your seats."

I sit down with Sirius. Peter and James take the seats in front of us.

"Siri, you didn't have to do that. Do you think I'm not used to it? The looks I get? You can't keep putting yourself in danger for me, Sirius."

"Yes I can," he says softly, looking at the desk. He looks up and meets my gaze. I try not to get distracted by his gorgeous eyes. "I promise, Rem. I promise I'll never let anyone hurt you. You deserve so much better. You deserve everything." I smile and try to not to look too lovesick. To not look like I don't deserve the only person I've ever wanted. The boy who's sitting right in next to me.

"It's unfair that you got a week of detention."

"It's alright, it was worth it." He looks down, then back up at me, his long black hair swaying gently in front of his adorable face.

"I never really noticed, not even as Padfoot- you have really good reflexes..."

"You sort of have to have good reflexes when your family beats you for every little thing," he snapped, his eyes filled with sadness.

"Siri," I say softly, trying not to let my voice crack too much. "I- I'm so sorry, I-"

"Moony, it, it's okay. I'm used to it- you don't need to worry about me any more than I need to worry about you. I'll be okay. I always am, please don't worry."

He took my hand and threaded his fingers through mine. "Rem, I, I think, I might, maybe-" he spoke slowly, his voice soft and scared.

"Pads you can tell me, I promise, whatever is."

"I- I'm in love with you. I'm- I'm sorry, I know you don't feel the same but I can't possibly keep it hidden from you anymore. It's driving me crazy, I'm sorry."

"Sirius, I- I think I'm in love with you too. I've had a crush on you since the first year, but I always kinda thought it was a mutual friend thing." He grinned from ear to ear. He put a hand on the side of my neck, pulling me into him, pressing his soft lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss.

"Mr. Black and Mr. Lupin!" We jump and separate immediately. I totally forgot we're in class. Luckily, most heads turn our way after we pulled apart- besides Lily and Peter, whose faces were filled with joy and surprise. McGonagall is obviously trying to look stern and professional but is smiling a little despite herself. *She had secretly been hoping that the boys would get together since the first year, obviously.* I had dreamed about kissing Sirius so much. Now it's a reality.

"For not paying attention in my class, Mr. Lupin you will join Mr. Black in his week of detention. now, please pay attention or it will be two weeks."

We both blush and smile.

This will be the best detention we've ever gotten.

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