Kisses and Happy Endings

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Remus POV

"Sirius, you know I hate this bloody thing," I yell over the wind. We're on Sirius' flying motorbike, coming back from a date a few miles from Hogwarts since it's right before the term ends. He's laughing and yelling in joy into the wind and I'm regretting all my life decisions. Typical. 

"Where are you taking me?" I shout into the wind. I wrap my arms tighter around his waist.

"You'll see, love, it'll be worth it!" I spit his hair out of my mouth. Honestly, this man. Just when I was starting to get a tiny bit better with being two hundred feet from the ground, he abruptly lowered the bike in the air. We were speeding rapidly down towards the grounds of the castle. All exams are done and everyone leaves tomorrow. It's hard to believe that my friends and I aren't coming back here next year. I look down at the lawn, with the students strewn about it. It was nearly summer break, and the weather was lovely. Somehow, however, my boyfriend is still wearing a leather jacket. 

I buried my head in Sirius' hair and shoulder. People were pointing and talking, as can be expected when you see a flying motorbike coming down from the sky. Sirius bewitched it last year, and although it's totally illegal, he put some anti-teachers spell on it. I'm not sure entirely what he did to it but I think he altered the muggle-repelling charms so only the students can see it. I think he mentioned it looking like a broom to the professors at some point. Why did I agree to this?

People moved out of the way as Sirius steered the bike to a safe spot on the lawn. Most people knew about our relationship by now (the girls were very disappointed to hear that Sirius was taken by some random nerd). As soon as we were back on solid ground I fell not-so-gracefully off the motorcycle and onto the ground. Sirius just laughed and fixed his hair, effortlessly. He helped me up off the ground. My knees were shaking. 

"Sorry bout' that, love," Sirius said to me, pulling a leaf out of my hair. When I was standing up straight, he kissed my cheek, having to tiptoe a little to do it. He transfigured the bike into a broomstick- the form it takes in our dorm room- and carries it over his shoulder. He takes my hand and swings it back and forth between us. 

When we reach the dorm room, Sirius collapses onto my bed. I sit carefully next to him but he pulls me down by the necktie to plant a kiss on my lips. I blush. James walks out of the bathroom. He makes eye contact with Sirius and raises his eyebrows. He mouths a word that I can't decipher. Sirius silently nods. James replies by doing finger-guns and clicking his tongue, grabbing a small bag, and running from the dorm.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Nothing," he says, waving his hand. "You'll find out later. Hey, can you do me a favor?" 

"Uh, sure."

"I left my potions book in Slug's room, can you go get it? I have to run to do something else right now and I don't have the time later."

"Oh, sure, no problem." 

"You're the best," he says, pulling on my necktie again. Our lips connect- and like every time- I melt into him. He lets me go. 

"See you later, then," I say, leaving the dorm for Slughorn's office. I have a feeling that James and Sirius are planning something but need me out of the way for it. So I humor them. Besides, I suppose it's always nice to talk to Professor Slughorn.

Sirius POV

As soon as Remus leaves, I sprint down to the lawn. James, Lily, and Peter are setting up an area on the lawn near the Whomping Willow. They spread rose petals on the ground and have a bunch of candles lining a walkway up to a little circle. There I just threw some more flowers. They're romantic, okay? It's sorta hard to be original when your proposing to your boyfriend but are still in school (although we're of age so it's okay). Oh, that's right! I'M PROPOSING! I have this amazing ring and the flowers would look so cute in his hair and- okay, so I'm getting a little carried away. But I can't help it! I think Remus knows something is up (since he's so smart and beautiful and adorable) but I'm pretty sure he doesn't know exactly what. 

"James and Pete, you should be set to go in five minutes." They nod in unison. Lily spreads more flower petals on the ground. I wave my wand. My leather jacket, converse, and ripped black skinny jeans are replaced by fine tuxedo and nice shoes. I fix my hair. This is it. James already proposed to Lily and she said yes. What if Remus says no? I push those thoughts out of my head and focus on the good. If he says yes, I'll get to spend the rest of my life with him. There's nothing I want more than that. 

James and Peter pat me on the back and run off to the castle. They're going to direct Remus down here, maybe dropping some hints about changing out of his oversized jumper. I bounce on the balls of my feet. Lily smiles and hugs me, finally finished with the flowers. 

"It'll be fine, he'll say yes."

"I hope, Lily."

"Here they come."

Remus POV

I don't know what the heck is happening, but I know it has to do with Sirius. James and Peter made me change into something nicer than my hoodie and jeans. We wind our way through the trees, heading towards the Whomping Willow. James waves at just about everyone we pass, winking or giving thumbs up occasionally. When we finally come to the Whomping Willow, I gasp

Sirius is standing at the end of a little candlelit walkway. There are rose petals everywhere. I put a hand to my mouth and giggle. James and Peter take their place next to Lily on the sidelines. Sirius is wearing a tux. Merlin. He takes my hand and gets down on one knee. I cover my mouth with both of my hands, trying not to cry. He opens a tiny silver box, revealing a stunning ring. The band of silver was engraved beautifully, nestling a purple stone in the middle. My breath caught somewhere in my throat. 

"I'm not very good at, uh, talking, so I'll make this easy. Remus John Lupin, I love you so, so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love every single thing about you and I've decided that I want to have you in my life for as long as I live. Rem, will you marry me?" Since I couldn't easily talk, I nodded vigorously. He jumped up and hugged me, then kissed me for eternity (says James). He slid the ring onto my finger. I kissed him again, tears now freely running down my face. My jaw was starting to hurt from smiling so much. 

"I love you so much, Siri," I mutter while hugging him, the words a little muffled against his thick hair.

"I love you too, Remus, forever." I grin. I have a husband!

A/N: the ring at the top is obviously the ring that sirius gave remus. i felt like purple cuz i wanted to mix it up and it was pretty so fight me

~~hope you enjoyed, thx for reading xxx

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