Royal Assassinations // Dialogue Prompt

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    The royal family employs no bodyguards. A would-be assassin discovers why.

[ i. Idea ]

    "Please?" The crown prince begged hopefully. The assassin hesitated.

    "I'm not sure I'm comfortable doing this."

    "Come on, you're doing great," the prince assured, "just one stab! It'll be easy-peasy." Finishing his sentence, the prince spread his arms wide open leaving his neck and broadened chest exposed and extremely vulnerable.

    "Look," the assassin frowned, "I'm going to level with you. I took this contract on the assumption that you were a bad dude. Usually when a country goes bankrupt fast, it's because whoever's in charge is raiding the treasury. But once I infiltrated the guard, I actually had to spend time around you, and you're just," the assassin threw her hands up in exasperation and disgust. "You're a really nice person! There's no getting around that! So I'm not that on board with murdering you. It's nothing personal."

    The prince began to shake angrily, terror lighting up his eyes. "But if you don't, my sisters won't get the life insurance payout and the country will be in debt for the next century!"

    "I'm pretty sure arranging for your own assassination is insurance fraud," the assassin mused. The prince shot her a withering glare.

    "Your whole job is to commit murder," the prince groaned, "and now you're worried about a little insurance fraud?" The assassin frowned, and sighed deeply as if she could exhale all the anger within her from having this conversation.

    The assassin pinched the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "Okay, let's back up then," she said, leaning on one of the impeccably cleaned marble pillars, "let's think about this rationally. Have you ever considered faking your own death?"


As always, loves, genders may be reversed. If you guys have certain topics that you'd like to be featured more in this book, please leave a comment telling us what it is! Kitty and I would be happy to write a prompt within your chosen ideas!

Cinder ♡

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