Chapter 1

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"Hell fucking yes dude, we made it!"

"I'm honestly surprised you didn't drop out." I grabbed my suitcase and rolled it into the large dorm.

"Right! If I had to stay another year in that hell hole I would've flipped off the teachers and burned the school down." My friend Fitz announced out loud causing a few administrators to turn their heads. They had concerned and worried looks while some others looked sorta frightened.

"Fitz, you can't say that kinda shit out loud." I whisper shouted at him when noticing they were watching us walk down the long hallway.

"What? it's true." He laughed and all I could do was shake my head and grin at the idiot.

"Well let's hurry up and find our room before they kick us out for planned terrorism." He scoffed and pulled his bag over his shoulder to hold it up.

"I didn't plan it... yet" I rolled my eyes and kept walking til I found the room. "I haven't experienced college to know if I should do it or not."

"Fitz shut up we're here~" I used the keycard they gave me yesterday at the front and unlocked the door. I entered but was confused when he didn't come in the room with me.

"Oh, so we didn't get the same room.." I stared at the fidgety boy and became confused.

"How?" I asked the rocking boy in confusion. "I thought we both signed to get the same room and your dad made sure of it, right?" He stared at the ceiling and rocked back and forth on his heels.

"Well Smii7y, you see what had happened was I got in a bit of trouble with my old man." I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, already knowing where this was going.

"What kind of trouble Fitz?" He chuckled forcefully and positioned his bag and a more comfortable spot. We just got to America and he's already fucking up everything he sees.

"I was with some friends and we started spray painting on the walls of the theatre building..." he started laughing like it was funny and patted my shoulder which I shook off.

"Fitz.." I groaned. "I'm surprised they didn't kick you out for being so stupid. How'd they even catch you??"

"I accidentally wrote 'Rap King Fetusist' in all caps and my dad knew it was me somehow." I was confused and quite done with this conversation. What the hell does he mean by somehow, literally got a shirt with the name on it and gave it to everyone on their birthday.

"Where did the -ist come from Fitz?"

"I'm an incest fan." Yeah totally done with this conversation. I facepalmed and walked fully inside the room, ignoring his clearly unfunny joke but he laughed as if it was the funniest thing ever.

"Oh my god.." Before I closed the door, I shouted "This isn't Alabama." Also hearing him shout back, "I know, THIS IS CALI!"

I rolled my eyes at the boy before noticing there was another suitcase with clothes neatly folded on the bed. But not another human in sight, the bed was made up and his side was surprisingly clean.

I walked to my side of the room and threw all my clothes on the bed and rested my suitcase against the dresser on the wall. I took a deep breath and re-tied my sweats string before grabbing my phone and falling on the bed.

I texted Fitz asking for his room number and afterwards checked the classes I was going to be having. One particularly picked my interest and that was architectural design, B-8? I don't really know what this class is, basically being since I just circled anything and everything on the scheduled classes sheet. We were given these by our teachers in high school, to pick out what we'd have in the next year.

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