Chapter 8

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*John POV*

I ended up staying over night and doing some unholy things but let's not go into detail. Throughout that whole night I thought about that brunette asshole who tried to fuck my girlfriend while fucking my girlfriend. I'm so confused and fucked up, I know.

"That was great, we should go out today." I heard her say beside me. Her arms thrown loosely over my waist and her head on my chest. "Hm."

We stayed like this for a while before I started feeling uncomfortable with both her presence and my thoughts. "Hey babe, I gotta go for uh classes so I'll-"

"But you don't have classes today, it's Saturday." Damn it's Saturday already. "O-Oh, well I have.. detention, detention yeah. So I'll see you later okay?" She began to pout and it just wasn't really as cute as it used to be.

"Are you lying?" She asked with a pout and sat up crossing her arms. I really didn't wanna have to go through or put up with this right now, why are women so easily able to get in their feelings? "I'm not."

"Are you sure?" I leaned up and kissed her pouty lips before pulling away and getting out of the bed. "Mhm." I practically threw on my clothes, my shirt was probably on backwards but oh well.

"See you later." She didn't say anything back but instead sat on the bed seemingly lost. "Yeah.."


"Why are you here?"

"I live here." I got back to my dorm and walked in my room to be met with an angry midget. "Go live with your bitch or something." He spat angrily and his under the duvet.

"Watch your mouth." I said harshly and walked to my side of the room. "Why so angry?" He ignored me and so I walked over to his side. I pulled the duvet off of his head and looked down at him, playing sleep.

I mean he sucks at faking it. If you're gonna fake it at least stop moving your eyes around. "Smii7y." No reply. "Smii7y~" I moved in closer to his ear but still got no response. "Jaren~"

"S-Stop you pervert." Pervert?

"Pervert?" He looked over at me making our faces a few inches away from each other. "Yes you're a pervert." He seemed to not mind the proximity seeing as he hadn't moved back.

"This is perverting." I smirked watching as his cheeks slowly began to flush. "Just t-things.."

His eyes never averted from mine and I could see the pretty dark pools that flowed in his eyes. I couldn't help but become slightly mesmerized. "That's not even a word?"

I couldn't tell if he was either uncomfortable or enjoying it. "But right now, um, you're too close." His words turned into a whisper as if he was becoming shy under my gaze. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying this. "Am I?" My voice went an octave low by accident but I didn't regret it.

His blush could be well seen as he finally averted our intense staring contest. He pushed away from me and quickly retreated, scooting back until he was leaning on the wall. "Yes, leave you smell like sex and disgust, you fucking pig"

"I think I thought of a good idea instead of doing my homework. You're slowly becoming interesting to me despite my hate for you so how about you become my personal play thing." His eyes went wide, fear evident and he immediately shook his head at the offer. "No you fucking psychopath!"

"So boring, I was just joking, maybe." I sighed dramatically and walked back to my side of the room gathering clothes and walking into the bathroom.

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