Chapter 5

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I was honestly happy that ass didn't say anything rude about the fact that I was gay. He hasn't spoken to me in a week ever since that 'accident', only occasional glares or smirks. That let me know he was planning something so I had to be on my toes at all times.

He couldn't hurt me. Telling people I was gay didn't hurt me and I frankly didn't give a fuck if they talked about me. I don't give a fuck about what the hell you're saying, if you aren't going to face me head on then frankly you could piss off. He'd always easily talk to his coach or teachers in such a respectful manner though. Though I'm sure it was an act, he doesn't mean it. But when it came to others he seemed like a hardass.

I knew some manners but not a lot, in my opinion if you have to 'act' respectful then you're just being a fake ass pushover. I entered the school and found Fitz walking with an unfamiliar person. When he spotted me his smile dropped along with his head as he looked everywhere other than at me. The boy noticed this and walked towards me. "Hey I'm Mason." Fitz stood at a far and bit his lip while staring at us.

He held his hand out which I took and shook firmly before pulling away. "U-Uh my name is Jaren but I'd rather you call me Smii7y.." I blushed slightly before running my hands through my hair. Mason nodded with a smile that slowly turned into a scowl.

"I don't know what's happening between you two but Fitz is a nice person. Whenever we pass the hallways together he tries to break away from me whenever he sees you and it's saddening." He ranted while crossing his arms over his chest and bearing holes into me with his eyes.

"Oh.." was all I said and looked at my be- ex best friend.... I don't like that. I frowned at my thoughts and could feel tears starting to swell up in my eyes as I looked down. Before I could stop a tear from leaving me it was too late.

It hit the ground and before I could stop another one, they began falling continuously. I lost my best friend, realization hitting me hard, these past two weeks has been hurtful. Having to deal with Kryass by myself and not hearing that contagious laugh and terrible jokes Fitz would always make when I was down. I fucked up bad and I look like a pussy, but these are manly tears.

Yeah I said it, these are manly tears, everyone man has that point in life where they cry. Like when a baby drops his lollipop on the ground and it's a sad scene because that could've been your lollipop.

I love him like a literal brother and here I am ignoring him for my own selfless needs. Before I knew it a hand was dragging me somewhere and I immediately recognized it as Fitz. My hand went to my face to hide it as we walked through the hallway, I didn't wanna be see, manly, tears from some grown man.

We were outside behind the school and my hands still covered my face before they were pulled down and a kiss was placed on my forehead. "Nobody will see us back here.. let's talk." He said softly making me look up at him. I realized Mason didn't follow causing me to look up at the y'all brute.

"I'm sorry for b-being a terrible brother Fitz, I love you so much and I was basically giving up on you for my own needs. That's not how it's supposed to be and I broke a major bro code." I sniffled making him chuckle.

"You still remember?" He asked with a small smile. "Of course."

"You before me. No matter what we stick together." We recited together while closing our eyes to remember it. Which seems really weird, cheesy, and gay all at the same time. I cringed extremely hard along with him, I thought our muscles would tense up. We made that when we was like in elementary school, it honestly should stay there I-

"That always did sound kind of cheesy and lame." I giggled which soon turned into a laugh, Fitz following along with me. "Why'd we even come up with that and why do I still remember it?" I said rhetorically.

"Because it's true and something we'll stick with til the day we die. Even in death we're sticking to it." I punched his shoulder and grimaced playfully.

"Ew I don't wanna die with you." He laughed and pushed me away from him before he placed his forehead on mine. "We're brothers forever right?" I asked hesitantly and sighed.

"Forever, no homo though." He mumbled with his eyes closed causing both of us to chuckle.

"Yeah, of course."


*John's POV*

During practice no one bothered to even throw the ball to me despite my position which made the coach angry. I tried telling these meatheads it wasn't me but their too caught up in their ego to actually listen. Dumb fucks.

"It's alright John, things will get better. I know it wasn't you, why would someone carelessly do that to their arch enemy not expecting consequences." I smiled at his words and nodded.

"That's what I said but no one listens." A groan left my lips. His name was Tyler, he played football with me and even taught me the ropes. He ranked third best out of all of us, me placing second and you know who.. first. I hated that.

I was so close to getting first but I got in trouble for some shit I didnt do. "Well I gotta go but I'll catch up with you later." He said before waving and rushing off. I was still coming up with a plan for a whole week to get that short brown haired gay kid back but not fuck came to mind.

I quickly grabbed my bag and left after throwing on my uncomfortably tight black v-neck T-shirt that had sleeves that stopped at the elbows, which I also should really throw away,  and black joggers on. My hair was wet from the sweat and was thrown everywhere due to the helmet. I forgot my beanie so now I gotta walk around the school looking terrible.

I was getting ready to head into the building but I soon saw two figures run outside. One of them looked as though they were crying before I looked closer. Smii7y? And that looks like... Ritz or was it Philip?

I could feel a wicked grin crawling on my face due to my muscles tensing up. I pulled out my phone and immediately recorded, zooming into the two for better view.

They were acting weird, hm, and this footage of them together we'll surely get that midget out.


*Smii7y's POV*

I came back to my room feeling happy because of my brother, best friend, fam and the list could honestly go on. I opened my door but wish I hadn't when I seen a smirking Kryoz sitting on my bed. "Get the fuck off my bed." I scowled and approached him but stop when I seen something in his hand.

"Is that how you talk to your new master?"



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