Chapter 7

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I've been getting off lucky, it's been a month and I've been able to talk to Fitz in private or he'd come to my room in the dorm after school. All Kryass wanted me to was his homework no matter what it was or how big of a stack it was. I always did it and we got by with no problems.

Yes I said I got lucky but it's honestly starting to get exhausting. Having to juggle my own homework and his is starting to stress me out and the worst part is this dumbass still fails because of his tests not his homework but blames me. I can't do it anymore.

I need to get his phone and erase that stupid video before I grow gray hairs and pass out from exhaustion, I can't even focus on the photography club me and Fitz joined. "Kryass isn't there something else I could possibly do instead of this bullshit. It doesn't even matter, you're still failing!!"

He was sitting on his bed going through his phone. After practice he came directly home, took a shower, threw on random clothes and when he seen me, gave me his homework. I was sitting on my own bed looking at him as he lied front first on the bed. "No."

I groaned and dropped the pen on the small stack of papers. "I can't keep doing both of our homework I can die from exhaustion.." I dramatically stated but he didn't even move a muscle, eyes still focused on his evidence. I grew to hate the device, every time I had seen it I wanted to throw it out the window.

"Kryoz~" I whined and laid back on the bed getting ready to throw a temper tantrum. This is fucking ridiculous, why should I have to do homework for this.. this little kid. He's still a stupid teenager at heart ant has the mind of one. "Kryoz~ John~ Jonathan~" I kept whining his name and rolling around on the bed.

I honestly was hoping it was annoying the hell out of him. I was right. "Would you shut up?!" he finally cracked and sat up on the bed with a huff, his full attention on me. "What the hell do you want?!"

"I want you to give me something else to do!" I retorted causing him to groan loudly and throw his arms in the air. "Why?!"

"Because I'm gonna die from stress and overworking myself!" He only furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Do I care?!" He shouted and went back to his phone which I got fed up with and walked towards him snatching it. I didn't think before slamming it into the ground, watching it break.

His eyes widened at my action and he quickly kneeled down to pick it up. "What did you just do?" He asked calmly but I only crossed my arms over my chest, proud that I destroyed the evidence. "What did you just do?!" He growled this time and pushed me back harshly onto the floor making me wince. Before I could ran away he climbed on top of me with a leg on both sides of my waist.

"You have no evidence to hold against me now, even if they were to fix it'd cost a lot and you can't even find all the pieces." I snorted and waited for him to punch me. Instead he laughed, hard. He's crazy. He has to be so I should probably try to crawl aw—

"Yes I do." He couldn't have, no he's too stupid to even think of copying it to a hard drive or someone. "What?" I asked in confused not bothering to show him I was panicking. "You're fucking stupid, there's no way in hell you even remotely thought of that."

"I'm not that stupid. I saved it to a drive that's somewhere safe with a friend. If I'm living with you and my phone is always here it doesn't make sense that I'd not copy it." He scoffed and shook his head at me.

"Y-You're lying." I thought I erased it, I'm getting tired of being his little homework slave. Having to feel small around him, I hate it. "And If I were?"

"Shut up and move."

"Why?" He stayed in his same position staring down at me. "Now that I look at you more I can see you give off a feminine vibe. You're brown short messy hair and small lips that can easily be mistaken as a girls and your eyes make it pop out even more. You're quite pretty, hmm." His eyes quickly darkened and my instincts kicked in. I struggled to get from under his hungry gaze and run but he only tightened his hold.

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