Chapter 20

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This chapter was hella weird lmao


"So what happened yesterday?"


"You never came to the roof. Did you go home or something?" Fitz asked and I nodded at my best friend. "Fitz.. Toby can't breathe.." Fitz had his arms wrapping around the spirits neck in a back hug. Toby managed to fall asleep in his arms and Fitz thought it was the cutest thing and would occasionally squeeze him as if he was a plush.

"Yes he can." I shook my head and chuckled at the spirit who had his eyebrows furrowed and kept grumbling under his breath whenever my best friend moved. "So what happened?" Should I tell him? He's basically my brother so it'd make sense to tell him but then he'd throw a fit and get angry. Might even try to look for the people we fought.. it would be funny though.

"I got in a fight." Just as I expected, he choked on air and almost jumped off the ground but remembered the sleeping boy in his arms. "What the fuck? Why didn't you tell us or-or call us?" He whisper shouted and gently lied Toby down with so much care, it warmed my chest at the sight before he rushed over to me.

"Oh my god, baby are you okay? They didn't hit your pretty face did they?" Fitz cupped my face in his hands and moved it around trying to check my face for non existent bruises. "Yes, I'm fine idiot move." I smacked his hand away and he laughed.

"That's good, how come you aren't dead or beat up? You can fight back but your little hits don't do anything." With that I punched him in the cheek and he held it before groaning and flying back.

Toby sprung up and turned to the sound. He crawled closer to the boy before inspecting the groaning figure. "What happened?" I shrugged but Fitz just had to snitch.

"He punched me." He pointed at me making the older glare at me. If looks could kill I'd be dead by a ghosts hand. "Aw come on~" Toby pulled Fitz's head into his lap and smiled softly at him. "He's just mad no one likes him is all." I scoffed when Toby said that and he chuckled.

"First of all—" wait what'd he mean by wait for him? But he did say he liked me. Last nights events flashed in my mind making me blush and smile at the thoughts. I was whipped for an idiot and just the sound of his name makes me feel things and want to smile. "I'm waiting or are you still thinking of a lie."

"Shut up.." I hissed and crossed my arms over my chest. "He actually said he liked me but asked me to wait for him." Toby and Fitz went silent before they both started laughing. "He said what?"

"Wait for him? Where's he going?" Fitz asked and I wanted to slap him but Toby had a, if you touch him I'll kill you, look making me retreat.

"No dumbass, he meant wait for him as I he's confused and I understand why." I do. He's trying to figure himself out and I know he isn't gonna automatically announce that he's gay to me. A straight guy who's only ever known fucking women isn't someone you can easily turn gay. Although he was a kid when he had his first boyfriend but he probably doesn't even remember.

"I ship it." Fitz suddenly said and Toby nodded. "I've been with John for a long time and I was finally able to understand he had to move on. He's a big boy and when I'm gone—" Fitz cut him off and turned to wrap his arms around the spirits waist. "Don't say that." Was all he said making Toby look down at him with a sad smile. "—someone will finally be able to take care of him. "

"I'm glad that that someone is you Jaren." I smiled and shrugged.

"You're still here so it might not be me, it could be someone else." I reassured.

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