Chapter 10

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"You did, you what?!" We were in Fitz's room and I told him everything that happened. "I... What do you expect me to do?" He laid back on his bed while I sat to the side of him with my legs cross crossed, staring at the figure. He threw an arm over his eyes and sighed deeply. "This isn't gonna come out good for either one of you, you know that right?"

"It'll be worse for him, I've only been here for like a month and some weeks while he's been here for at least two or three years probably." Fitz groaned and sat up abruptly.

"No that's not what I'm saying." His hand pushed through his sandy blond hair that lied loosely over his eyes. "I'm saying that you practically lost to him. Didn't you say he used to tease you and annoy you?"

I nodded trying to understand what he was getting at. "Has it ever occurred to you that he's probably just a horny bastard and your his next target?" I tilted my head in confusion making him sigh and look at me.

"He's Scotty and your a hopeless blonde porn star." My mouth flew open and fear began to grow inside me. "You're lying."

He shook his head. "Dead serious." Kryass didn't wanna fuck me, he just wanted to toy with my emotions until I break. When he said that I was his play thing I knew that he wanted nothing more than to break and see me suffering.

"You're lying and he's straight. A straight man going against his straight policies just to annoy me." Fitz got up and went over to his bag before coming back over to me when he got something out of it. "What's that?"

He pulled out a condom making me look at him in confusion. "For protection, duh." He rolled his eyes and threw it at me causing me to jump far away from it. "Yeah no shit but why are you giving it to me?"

"For protection, duh." I slowly crawled back to it as though I was a caveman discovering fire for the first time. Groaning at him I picked it up with the tips of my index finger and my thumb and examined the size. "Yeah Fitz I know that but me and him aren't doing that. Why would he even use a condom, knowing him."

"For protection d—" I threw it at him and scoffed. "Quit saying that and it was a rhetorical question." I stood up and stretched seeing as been sitting their ever since I left school after that incident. "I'm going."

He followed me and I felt something touch my ass. Quickly turning around I seen the culprit smiling. "Fitz, What the hell?" He only shrugged and went back to his bed while staring at me. "bye~"


I was honestly happy he still wasn't here but now I didn't know what to do. I mean I could go to sleep to avoid him but knowing him he'd just wake me up to annoy me. It was only 7:46 and the sun was barely disappearing leaving a sunset. I could get some food, yeah that's a good idea and it's better than sitting in this dorm.

Before I could even open the door somebody opened it making my breathing hitch. He smelled of Alcohol and I was confused as to why this early. "You reek, move." I pinched my nose but he didn't move but instead stood there.

"John?" He closed the door and approached me making me back away. "Hey, buddy you alright there?" I cleared my throat and looked up as he barely towered over me, his eyes stared back into mine causing me to gulp and look elsewhere.

He pulled me towards him and rested his forehead on my shoulder. What the fuck. "It's all your fault." I knew what he was referring to and I sighed with a smile playing at my achievement. That was quick who'd she tell? The president??

His hands snaked under the back of my shirt causing me to flinch at the touch. "Haha that's what you get for messing with me then. Let me go." He looked up at me and shook his head while pouting and swaying us side to side.

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