Chapter 24

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"I honestly never imagined you'd ask me on a date." Smii7y said with his hands laced behind his back. The cold air blew against their faces making the younger shiver at the touch until John held his hand, warming up the skin. "Oh~ Why'd you think that?"

The shorter boy stared at him as if he had just grown two heads. "We hated each other dumbass." He laughed and pushed away John making the older laugh as well.

"Oh come on, we didn't hate each other." John smiled while staring at the boy. He was actually happy and content with the younger by his side, they had forgot scarves so they bought one at a nearby store along with matching coats. The temperature dropped even lower and they almost regretted not buying gloves.

"John you're very thing used to be me against a wall. I suddenly miss the wall." Smii7y joked and looked up as if he was reminiscing, making a breathless laugh leave John.

"I can let you two meet again if you allow me this time." The older said and winked causing the younger to blush madly and slap his shoulder.

"S-Shut up idiot. Where are we going?" He folded his arms with a pout. John couldn't help but find the scene in front of him cute, the older had on a black long sleeved shirt, which created sweater paws for him, with a gray wolf on the front and black skinny jeans, belt, along with black combat boots.

The coat on him made him look small due to John 'accidentally' getting the wrong size, resulting in him being scolded by the man.

"You look cute." The older complimented out of nowhere making Smii7y's heart pick up a pace along with his face that seemed to love the color red.

"S-Stop saying things." He muttered and tried hiding his blushing face. "Where are we going?!" He asked again making John chuckle.

He put a finger to his lips and whispered, "it's a surprise." Mini and Tyler had helped him with the date, planning it somewhere near a body of water close by. They walked to the area and made small talk while holding each other's hand and the couple couldn't be more ecstatic.

Speaking of small talk. "But you didn't even ask, what are you doing? Before punching me in the nose jackass!" Smii7y shouted playfully which gained attention from the people around.

"It was anger that got the best of me babe. I'm sorry~" John whined and pulled the younger close by his waist. Suddenly he heard whispering and people pointing at the two making him slowly pull back and hold his head down.

Smii7y noticed and cocked a brow when he seen how he had gotten sad all of a sudden. A girl was giggling at them while pointing and smirking while her friends grimaced because of something she said and shaking their heads in disgust. John hated the feeling of being weak and unable to do anything about it, he hated the public eye unless it was because they gawked over him not grimace. He doesn't like starting or causing unnecessary drama.

But then there is Smii7y. The anger in John boiled as more people stared at their intertwined fingers.


The older stared at him with wide eyes before joining him. "YEAH BABE YOU TELL EM'!" John cheered making the people who were grimacing and shaking their heads in disapproval look at him, the girls in particular who fake gagged.

"BITCH YOU GOT A PROBLEM?!?" He jumped at them but was held back by a surprised John who let them scurry away.

"Damb calm down brother." John chuckled.

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