Chapter 13

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*John POV*

I made touch downs back to back and If I wasn't there I'd throw it to Tyler who was always by the goal waiting. I'd throw it to the player closest to the goal. His focus needed to be on me and solely on me, no one else especially not Chris. When it was half time the band piled out and did their thing allowing me to talk to the cheery boy. "You're doing good John, I knew the field would get the feel back." My coach stated proudly making Chris scoff and me smirk.

I took off my helmet and approached him. "Why are you here?" I asked and he bit his lip before a smile popped up on his face. Almost wanting me to be the reason for him coming. "Mason wanted to watch his best friend Tyler play so we accompanied him." Ouch. "But you're doing amazing. I didn't know you were this good."

"Oh, that's good but in all honesty Tyler was happy when he seen him as well." I whispered and the boy giggled. To say the gesture was cute was a whole ass understatement. "But it's our little secret okay?" He nodded.

I heard my coach calling and mentally stabbed him to death for disturbing my small talk that wasn't going anywhere but I still enjoyed. "Oh John, who's #48?" I tilted my head at the question before realizing who he was talking about.

"No one." I lied and he scoffed and folded his arms sassily over his chest. "Really?" He sounded annoyed and it pissed me off that he was still thinking about that asshole.

Without thinking I pulled him in close and whispered in his ear. "Your focus is on me and only me, if you look at anyone other than me I'll punish you~" his face felt hot against my cheek that was pressed against his. "You're my play thing, no one else's got it?"

Why did I do that, omg that was embarrassing but I couldn't stop, breathe, just breathe. He froze and nodded slightly before retreating back to his seat. I pulled back and put my helmet back on after shaking my hair of the sweat threatening to fall from it.

With that I went back onto the field and did a few stretches before half time ends and smiled cheekily at the roars of my name coming from different people. One of them even asked for me to have their baby, I don't think the earth can take another angel like me in this world.


*Smii7y's POV*

They won. It was honestly a blow out the other team only having 8 points, it was tragic. Tyler made half the points and I couldn't tell what the Chris dude made because my focus was on John. He was amazing at the sport, he had assists in helping Tyler score and scored most of the points himself.

He took off his helmet when he made the last goal. His sweat visible shown and hair stuck to his forehead as he flashed a bright smile that made me squeal out loud, well not just me. His team ran up and tackled him in a hug and lifted him to where he sat on their shoulders. They all sung the school national anthem while shouting 'yeah' and 'woooo'. The crowd was screaming his name as well as some others. He turned my way and we made eye contact.

I smiled back at his beautiful one and it looked as though he tensed before relaxing and giving me a closed one. My heart just did a thing, it's beating fast and for some reason my chest feels tight because of that smile. I gave him a thumbs up before he turned around and started celebrating with his team.

"Tyler is so amazing, I didn't know he was this good. I'm jealous !" Mason shouted while waving at the said boy who grinned and waved back. "He waved back!" He squealed making me roll my eyes.

"Quit acting like a teen girl who just got acknowledged by her crush." Fitz scoffed while pouting angrily. "I'm hungry."

"Quit acting like my 12 year old sister on her period." Mason retorted back and I laughed at the duo. "Fitz why are you so angry?" I asked and he sighed before whining childishly.

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