Chapter 17

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• a weird adventure you guys are about to be on so strap in 🗿•

I'm going with the plan tomorrow. It's been a week since I told Fitz, Toby, and Mason about what I was gonna do to get back at her. Everyday was hell having to see John covered in spots made by her. It annoyed me more when he'd light up candles in the bathroom and spray anything that'd get rid of his so called, 'witch infected body odor'. WIBO for short, he'd try to joke about it but I knew he hated the idea of her doing this to him.

This has to come to an end before he gets her.. pregnant. I nearly shuddered at the thought. "I told him." Mason said when he entered the roof.

"Well hello to you too Mason." He scoffed and sat beside me. "Shut up. Do you know the amount of times I had stuttered just to say his name?" Mason facepalmed and a heavy sigh left his lips.

"You idolize him way too much but I'm sorry brother, what'd he say?" He lied his head on my shoulder and I watched as he closed his eyes. He didn't say anything after a while and I thought he had fallen asleep like Toby who had his head in my lap, using it as a pillow.

It was lunch time so I came here to see if everyone had did their parts in helping the plan. "I told him to come to the roof so you could tell him." I sighed end he only chuckled.

"What about Fitz? Have you heard from him?" Mason nodded and sighed. "He said Toby didn't wanna see him.."

At that the said boy in my lap flinched and I groaned. "You and Fitz need to work something out Toby, you can't keep avoiding him. This plan involves all of us." After a couple of minutes he didn't say anything so I sighed and looked over at Mason.

"When is he coming?" I asked and Mason only shrugged making me groan and stand up, softly placing the spirits head on my bag. "I'm gonna go call Fitz, When I get back it'll be with him and hopefully Mini. So wa—"

Before I could say anything else the door to the roof opened and two people stepping out. "Ah~ Tyler And Mini.." the said boys walked closer with a forced smile on Tyler's face and a wide smile on Mini's.

"Yeah, we heard about how you were going to help John so we thought why not?" Mini said with a grin and Tyler nodded, the oldest of the two walked over to Mason making the boy freeze and look down. "My good friend Mason here had asked me for help but told me to come here for the plan, he was too shy to get the words out."

He pinched Mason's cheek and smirked making the red boy swat at his hands. "Yah! Stop it, I wasn't shy, you don't see me in years and start treating me like a baby." I laughed at his childish behavior when he jumped far away from the male. "H-Hey where'd the guy go that was lying on your lap?"

Mini said shakily and looked at the said area. Toby was indeed gone and I tried shouting for the spirits name. I don't think he'd want me to expose his secret and the John thing, he already didn't like it when Mason and Fitz found out. "I guess he uh.. left?" I said and shrugged.

The boy nodded and soon forgot about the topic when he sat down. "So are we gonna talk about the plan?" I didn't wanna talk about the rest without Fitz or Toby, Of course they knew about everything but they need to know where everyone will be situated it.

"Hold on let me call Fitz.." all three of them nodded and talked among themselves. I pulled my phone out and dialed my best friends number, I knew the possible reason for him not coming. Toby. Here I go being selfish again but I need both him and Toby right now so their going to have to work out their differences.

Holding my phone to my ear I waited for him to answer. After about 5 rings and no answer I hung up and cursed under my breath. I'll just have to fill him in tonight or I could run to his dorm room but what if he isn't even there? God, Fitz..

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