Chapter 2

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"Smii7y, just explain to me what happened." He said calmly as we entered my dorm room. I walked to the restroom in attempt to find some kind of first aid kit.

"I need to go find an ice pack I'll be back." I say not making eye contact with him and walking towards the door. He stood in front of it which made me roll my eyes. "Please move."

"Fitz.." We both stood like this for another 5 minutes, me wanting to leave and him wanting answers.

"Fine." I walked over to the bed and sat down, taking a deep breath and trying to ignore the aching that was spreading. "As you can see, I got in a fight."

"Yeah, I know that genius." He rolled his eyes and sat down at the bottom of the bed. "How did it lead up to that? Did you provoke him?"

"Nope, you know the girls who approached us earlier?" He nodded so I continued. "Well the friend that was next to the girl you left with asked me to dance."

"Wait there was another girl there?" I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Yes..." He had a look of confusion then realization hit him. "Yeah the short girl with blonde hair right?"

I punched his arm and rolled my eyes. "No, God how many girls did you meet?" I️ scoffed and he let out a small chuckle.

"Around 6 or 7 maybe." He looked deep in thought which made me giggle at his idiocy. "Aw i made you giggle but continue."

A sigh escaped me and I nodded. "Well anyway to make a long story short, she had a boyfriend."

He laughed at that and got off the bed. "Really? So, the dude fought you over some girl that's probably done did it with not only you but a bunch of others?"

I️ nodded. "This is why you don't dance with random females at parties." I️ pinched his arm and he laughed again. "Especially American chicks."

"Aw buddy, I didn't get caught though and plus their way hotter than Canadian chicks." He said in a mockingly annoying tone as he poked my cheek. I shooed his hand away and felt myself start to sulk. "Shut up dumbass."

"The good thing about this situation is that we didn't get caught and you'll prolly never have to see that bitch and her beast again." He strolled around the room looking at random stuff. "She probably wasn't that cute anyway..."

I snorted when seeing how he hesitantly he said the last sentence. "Nah she was pretty decent looking, you'd like her if you met her."

"She's a cheater so I already don't like her." I rolled my eyes and folded my arms over my chest.

"Half the girls you met or were with most likely were cheating." He looked deep and thought before nodding with a small chuckle following behind it. His phone then went off in his pocket some pentagon song playing as his ringtone.

"Heyo?" I snorted at his greeting and fell back on a pillow laying on my bed. "Wait what?- so are they looking for everyone who went?" He nodded to himself and looked shock before slowly sitting down on my bed.

"Did he snitch?" Fitz went quiet and carefully listened to the voice speaking through the phone. "He what?" That grabbed my attention as I quickly sat up and got closer to the phone.

He put a finger to his lips in a 'shhh' manor and put it on speaker phone. The voice then spoke, "Yeah dude, and then Kryoz lied and said some brown haired dude came in jumped him yo and I was like woah what."

I cringed at his words, one being his grammar and the other being the brown haired dude he might be talking about. Kryoz? What kind of?

I mouthed to Fitz with furrowed eyebrows. "I didn't jump him." He simply nodded and continued listening.

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