Chapter 15

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"Me and Briana are dating.." My heart literally shattered and I froze, my hand slid from his waist and a heavy sigh left my lips.

"Oh.." were the only words that left my mouth, saying I was shocked was a whole understatement. Words weren't forming properly so my mouth was left gaping like a fish as I looked anywhere but at him. "Smii7y.." again I jumped when he said my name.

I was brought back to reality and hopped off the bed. "W-Why?" He sat up and climbed off the bed and tried to approach me. I'm sure he seen that she was a cheating bitch but he still went back to her and what makes it even worst is that he's probably in love with her. That's why Toby keeps leaving.

"Smii7y.. I'm sorry but I didn't hear you earlier. You were speaking low." He stopped walking when he noticed my retreating figure. Like hell I was gonna say that now, I'd expected it to be someone else, but her? What the fuck is wrong with him. "Your priorities are fucked up John.."

John shook his head and tried walking closer only for me to back up until the back of my knees hit my bed. "Stay away from me." I said sternly. I was angry, he downgraded from a dude who actually loved him to a bitch that only loves to fuck him.

"Smii7y if I tell you why I'm scared how you'll react Smii7y~" I furrowed my eyebrows trying to understand what he meant. "Tell me." Was all I said and he sighed.

"I can't." with that I nodded and got into my bed and lied down in it. I felt the bed dip down and it annoyed me for some reason, I didn't wanna be near him right now. "Please John, just..." The dip was gone and the bed steadied out again. He sighed and walked away, the sound of his bed slightly creaking and the covers were heard.

"I'm sorry." Sorry? For what? It was his choice and a very stupid one so he should apologize to himself and Toby. "You just have to trust me okay?" Trust him?

"Trust you?" I suddenly sat up in anger and turned to him. "How do I trust you if you don't even trust yourself?" He didn't wanna be alone that badly that he had to go back to the same chick that cheated on him, with not only me but with many other dudes as well. He looked over at me with the same anger in his eyes. "Why are you so angry? We aren't even dating!!"

He shouted at me making me jump and flinch at his sudden harshness especially the words. I know we aren't but still, I fell so fucking hard for him and I regret it, I hate it. "I know John... I'm just disappointed, I'm your friend remember, what you did was a stupid choice so of course I'm gonna be angry at you about it cunt."

I didn't wanna sound like his mom or whatever but it was true, I was disappointed at his decision to take her back. This isn't even my relationship but I knew this was a bad idea, I knew he would regret it.

Guilt filled his dark brown eyes with the anger long gone. "Smii7y didn't mean--"

"It's okay John, I knew exactly what you mean't." Was all I said before lying back down and resting my head on the pillow and before I could stop it a tear slipped and many more came after that. I don't know what I expected, for him to change? Ha, funny. Despite him being like this I still want him, it might take me a while but I'll manage.


*John POV*

The rest of the night I heard him cry himself silently to sleep and I wanted to just walk over there and wrap my arms around his small body. Why was he crying? Should I ask him? I knew he'd only push me away and yell at me. I wanna tell him so badly but he'll just intervene and take matters into his own hand no matter how many times I tell him not to. Fuck it, I don't care if he pushes me away, I'm sad and he's my elation for some reason, it's like whenever he's sad it makes me sad, when he's happy a sudden urge makes me wanna smile and squeeze his chubby cheeks and crush him to death.

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